So, what now

360 19 4

Chris's ( pov )

Should I hug her, orr just stare at her..... Imma hug her.

I wrapped my arms around her and she pushed me off at her. I stumbled back and fell on the ground.

Should've just stared at her 😒

Diana: * sniffles * don't touch me

Chris: so, I should just sit here and stare at you cry over there ?

Diana: yes, I don't want to be touched by anyone

Chris: ok then sit over there and cry maybe even throw a tantrum I'll just watch and not give you any comfort

Diana: do you think I wanna be like this? I'm heartbroken Chris, everyone I date cheats on me or uses me

Chris: I know, and I'm apart of that and I'm extremely sorry and you know that. I've been trying for months to make it right between us and it's taking time but we're getting there

Diana: You always sorry for everything Chris and nothing changes

There was a loud knock on the door but we ignored it. Then two minutes later they knock again even louder than the first.

Nigga wait

I went to open the door and Trevor stood there looking angry.

Chris: Whaat !!

He pushed me out of the way and barged in the house.

Where is this boy going ??

Diana: get out Trevor

Trevor: * yells* I know damn well you did not slam that door in my face, I stood there for fifteen minutes waiting for you to come back, but you didn't

Diana: Dont you got your baby momma to attend to

Trevor: this is not about her right now

Technically it is...

Chris: he right, it's about his so called sister * chuckles *

Trevor: Mind yo damn business

Diana: Go home Trevor

Trevor: * grabs her wrists * We're gonna talk about this situation right now like adults

Jhit did not just

Chris: * yanks Trevor back * Sir, what you not gonna do is man handle her like that.. What you gonna do is be a good puppy and go home to your family

He turns to me and swings but misses and I punched him in his side and face.

Trevor: big mistake

Diana came between the two of us with two guns in her hands pointing at both of us.


Diana: I dare y'all motherfuckers to fight in my house and see if I don't put a bullet in your head

Trevor: Diana, put the gun down

Diana: whoever I did not invite inside can exit out the front door and loose my contact information and happily exit my life. Don't let me say it again

He quickly left the house and Diana still had the gun pointed at me.

Chris: please put the gun down

She lowered the gun and put it back where she got it from and sat on the couch.

Diana: so, what Do I do now

I don't even know what I'm gonna do

love lies and betrayal sequel to my step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now