more problems ( 1 )

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Diana's ( pov )

I was in the car while Trevor was going fast and not paying attention to me. He finally slowed down and stopped on the side and got out of the car. He looked like he was crying and I got out to comfort him.

Diana: Trev what's wrong

Trevor: my mother hates me now

Diana: no she doesn't

Trevor: yes I said something's and she'll be leaving tomorrow.

Diana: why did you say " those things ". I air quoted

Trevor: she was asking too much questions and you were getting uncomfortable so I yelled at her

Diana: I'll admit they were kind of uncomfortable but you didn't have to yell

Trevor: every time I have a girl over she asks this same questions and then they end up leaving me and I don't want you to leave me. I love you too much. He began to sob

Diana: I love you too. Now lets go home.

We went back into the car and went to my house. He ended up sleeping over. I couldn't fall asleep at all because I had a feeling of someone watching me.

??? ( pov )

Their love is so sappy, it's gonna be hard to let them..... gosh nvm I'll probably break my cover saying this. I decided to call Carly.

??: hello

Carly: h-hey

???: what are you doing right now

Carly: n-nothing oh my

???: are you sure

Carly: mmm......yes


Carly: n-no

???: omfg you're fucking someone aren't you. And I bet it's not Chris

Carly: * gasps * I got to go

She hung up before I could get to say anything. Shit she's gonna ruin the plan. I drove off to a parking lot and went over to the back to sleep.

~ next day ~

Trevor's ( pov )

I woke up extra early to go back over to my house to apologize to my mother. When I got downstairs there was a box downstairs, it had my name in it so I opened it. It had pictures of paige's mother and me together. There was a note taped to the side of the box and it read:

To Trevor:

I'm sorry that I left you all alone with Paige but I didn't think that I was ready with the responsibility of having a child and seeing you and Paige grow up together made me re-think my decision on leaving you alone with her. I miss both of you and I would love to see my daughter. If you don't think that I shouldn't meet her then it's your choice because I left you with her. If you think that I should meet her then come to this address, St.Louis avenue, 23451 nw st., sunwoods park apartments building A 415.

Love: Trina

My eyes began to water of the sight of seeing Trina again, I really miss her but let's be honest she left me with Paige by myself with no where abouts of where she was. But if Paige gets to meet her mother she would be happy. I'll have to think about it. I took the box with me to my car and left to go over to my mother's house.

Diana's ( pov )

I woke up tired as usual and went downstairs to make some coffee. I remmeberd that Trevor wanted to apologize to his mother so I was by myself. There was a knock on the door and a piece of paper slid underneath the door. I want to pick it up and it was a note from " unknown. " It read:

Dear Diana:

I think it's best that you let Trevor go because the mother of his child wants back into their lives and for you to be safe break up with him tonight and I'll leave you alone for a while to get yourself back together. You have until midnight to do it.


If whoever it is wants to play this game, oh I will play along, I'm not breaking up with Trevor that's what he/ she wants and if I do bad things happen if I don't nothing will happen so I'm not gonna break up with him. Let the games begin.

Authors ( pov )

Ik it's short, I have writers block and I had to re-read both books in order to get ideas. Oh and thanks for getting me to 1k reads. Love you all 😍😘😚💖💖💖💖

love lies and betrayal sequel to my step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now