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Diana's ( pov )

2 days later

It's been two days since I've spoken to Trevor and I really miss him. Why would Chris lie and say that I kissed him first. Obviously he was the one who kissed me. I layed in bed and stared up at the ceiling. I tried calling him but he never picks up. I'm trying to explain what had happened but he won't even give me a chance. I decided that I needed to do something so I got ready and went to the park. I walked to the park and sat on the swings and played color switch.

2 hours later

The rain started to fall and I walked slowly home. A car pulled up beside of me and the windows went down.

??: get in

Diana: Trevor?

Trevor: come on before you get sick

I went in on the passenger side and put my seatbelt on.

Diana: ummm*gco*

Trevor: look Chris called and told me that he came on to you first. I'm sorry for not believing you.

Diana: it's okay. A picture means a thousand words right

He pulled over on the side of the street and pulled off his seatbelt and turned to me.

Trevor: it's not okay. I should've believed you when you told me he was the one who kissed you. I should've answered when you called. I almost lost you and I don't want that to happen.

I reached over to kiss him. We had a full make out session till I moved away.

Diana: love you too

He made a u turn and went back to the park.

Diana: it's raining

Trevor: i didn't say that we were gonna come out

Diana: so what are we gonna do?

He turned up the music and pulled me over into his lap. And layed my head in his chest.

Trevor: we're just gonna lay here for a while. He said pulling back his seat.

I layed in his chest and fell asleep. I guess we were laying there for a couple of hours because when I woke up it was getting dark. He was still sleeping and I just sat there and watched him. He looked so peaceful and tired at the same time. Had he not been sleeping or was it work. He got up shortly after and smiled.

Trevor: hey sleeping beauty

Diana: I can say the same thing as you. Are you tired

Trevor: * takes a deep breathe * yeah but it's no big deal

Diana: it is you look like you hadn't slept in months what's going on.

Trevor: it's okay. It's not a big deal

Diana: don't you have work tomorrow

Trevor: yep

Diana: you are tired Trevor you can't go to wrok like this

Trevor: Diana just forget about it okay. Stop worrying about me. He rolled his eyes

Diana: okay. I said climbing over to the passenger seat

He pulled his seat up and drove off to my house. I got out and he followed behind me and fell asleep on the couch. I brought him a blanket and went upstairs to my room because I'm going back to work tomorrow.

Trevor's ( pov )

I can't even tell Diana why I'm tired. It's not what you think. I'm not cheating I'm just doing something that I'm not allowed to say or else Paige is going to get hurt. I woke up on Diana's couch. She was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

love lies and betrayal sequel to my step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now