Chapter 2: NXT Takeover

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"I swear if I ever see Eva I'm breaking her nose just like how Seth broke John Cena's nose," I've been ranting about Eva to Dean for the last twenty minutes. I've told him everything that happened yesterday.

"You know we could do something about her," Dean says.

"What do you mean?"

"Well NXT is tonight so why not give her a nice visit and maybe show her who's the top diva,"

"That's not a bad idea,"

"I think you might wanna see this, Milster," Roman mentions. I make my way to the living room and about drop my drink when I see the headline on E! News.

WWE Diva Milly Gets Slammed By NXT Diva Eva Marie

A recording of Eva an I's fight is playing. I'm so shocked right now I don't even know what to say or think.

"Someone recorded the fight?" I say but it comes out like a question.

"I think we can all agree that Milly is a little to confident in herself," They guy says.

"I can't wait to see if this effects NXT tonight," The girl says before changing the subject. I slam my water down on the coffee table splashing water everywhere and cracking the cup up it's side.

"That video is all over the internet," Roman says while checking different social media apps.

"We are so going to NXT tonight and I'm gonna destroy her!" I growl while clenching my fists.

"Milly, you need to think this through," Dean says grabbing my hands and unclenching them. 

"I have thought this through. Plus it was your idea. Now you guys can either come with me or I'll do it by myself," They look at each other.

"We will go with you but we are only watching. You're gonna do the damage," Roman says. I nod and grab the now broken glass and throw it in the trash.


Dean, Roman, an I just got to the arena NXT is at. The show is already half way over and the divas match is next. Eva is having a match with Bayley which is perfect since Bayley an I were really good friends when I was in NXT.

We watch most of the match waiting for the perfect time to go out. Eva has the upper hand now and is dominating Bayley.

Sierra.. Hotel.. India.. Echo.. Lima.. Delta... The Shield

We walk down the steps quickly fist pumping fans on the way. Roman is first then Dean then me. Eva is shocked and you can tell she is scared.

Dean stands outside of the ring on one end and Roman on the other. I slowly make my way inside. Bayley rolls out of the way knowing something is about to go down.

Eva puts her game face on and charges me. I step to the side and clothesline her making her fall back and slam her head on the ring floor. She gets up slowly clutching the back of her head in pain. I grab her by her hair walk over to the turnbuckle and start slamming her head against it. I let go and watch her fall to the ground. I look at the ground smirking evilly. They start to chant 'yes' knowing exactly what I'm about to do.

I climb up onto the top rope and deliver the Weeping Willow. Luckily Eva and Bayleys' match is a No Disqualification match so I didn't cause Bayley to lose by disqualification.

I roll out of the ring. Bayley crawls into the ring and pins Eva for a 3 count taking the win. I climb back into the ring and hold up Bayley's other hand before hugging her. I motion for a mic and Roman gives me one.

"You see I don't take shit from anyone. Especially when a NXT diva says I'm too confident in myself. I'm confident in myself because I'm the divas champion. Eva you have no right bad mouthing me to my face when you can barely fight. I don't see you becoming the NXT Women's Champion or debuting to the main roster or hell even beating me for the Divas Championship. So next time you think you have the right to say I brag about myself or I'm too confident in myself you might wanna sleep with one eye open and you can believe that!" I throw the mic down and roll out of the ring.

"Milly!" Bayley squeals when I come back stage.

"Bayley!" We hug for a minute then start to talk.

"It's been forever!"

"I know and so much stuff has happened,"

"So Dean Ambrose?" She questions. Back when Bayley an I were in NXT together we always guessed who each other would date and Dean wasn't one of those people who Bayley thought I would date once I got to the main roster.


"I ways thought you would end up with Wade Barrett or maybe even Randy Orton,"

"Well Randy an I were a thing but then Dean an I started talking so I told Randy it wasn't gonna work out,"

"So Dean is the home wrecker?"

"No, I think I was just confused with my feelings at the time,"

"Milly!" Stephanie shouts my name angrily. "In my office!" I sigh.

"I'll see you later, Bayley,"

"See ya, Milly," We hug then I get Dean and Roman before going to Stephanie's office.

"You wanted to see us?" Dean asks when we walk in.

"Who in the hell do you three think you are? First you go and bring back The Shield without Hunter an I's thoughts which I can work around but then you go and bombard Eva and Bayley's match! That's unacceptable! So I'm giving you a warning. Next time you guys are suspended indefinitely,"

"Why do you care about me doing that to Eva here in NXT but it's fine on RAW or Smackdown?" I ask.

"The people here in NXT aren't as skilled as you are yet. You three are dismissed," I roll my eyes and walk out the door. Stephanie slams the door behind us causing me to jump a little.

"This company is gonna be the death of me. I'm sick of all this fucking drama," I complain.

"You are the one who took this drama too work. You should have just left it alone," Dean tells me.

"It's not like no one else does it plus you're the one who brought up the idea,"

"That doesn't mean it's okay,"

"Stop talking to me like I'm a damn child!" I snap at Dean. All the stress lately has finally gotten to me an I'm taking it all out on Dean even though I don't mean too.

"Stop acting like one!"

"I'm not! You're talking to me like I'm one because of what I did tonight and you have done the same exact fucking thing so stop acting like I'm the only one who does it!" I storm off not listening to see if Dean yelled anything back. I'm too mad to talk to anybody right now so I need to find a place to calm myself down. Since the hotel is only a couple blocks away I decide to walk there hoping it'll give me enough time to calm down so I can apologize to Dean without blowing up on him again.

Here's the second chapter. So I got a poster yesterday of AJ Lee and that made my day since she is my favorite diva of all time. Also Perfectly Insane is at 14k reads! That really just makes my day. I might be posting another book soon called Heal Me. If you guys want me too I'll put the description in the next chapter so comment and let me know. Hoped you liked this chapter! Please comment and vote! Till Monday lunatics!

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