Chapter 23: Return Of The Architect

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I wake up to a throbbing pain because of my ribs. I must have been sleeping on my stomach all night putting pressure on them. I scoot over to cuddle up next to Dean but he's gone. I groan then see a note on the bedside table.

Went to the gym. Be back by ten.

I look at the clock seeing that it's already eleven thirty. I get up putting on my gym clothes and putting my hair in a braid. I'm gonna see if Dean is actually at the gym. I'm sick of reading the messages from Renee and then him not being back by the time he's suppose to be is suspicious.

I grab my bag then head down to the gym. I see some superstars and divas on the trip down there. We say a quick 'hi' then carry on. The elevator doors open and I step inside. Right as they are about to close Cesaro stops them and steps inside.

"Well isn't this perfect timing," He winks at me.

"Morning, Cesaro,"

"Morning. How's the ribs?" From what he's wearing I'm gonna guess he's probably going to the gym too.

"They hurt. Wanna see the bruises?" He nods and I unwrap my stomach. The bruises haven't gotten any better. They're still purple, black, blue, and very tender.

"Damn. Your sister did that to you?"

"Yup," I start to put the wrap back on. "She hasn't said she's sorry or anything. I know Seth is up to all of this,"

"Why would Seth want to intentionally hurt you? Didn't you guys date in NXT?"

"We did but he wants The Shield destroyed, again. He'll do anything to make sure we don't survive this time," The elevator doors open to the main lobby and we step out.

"Damn. Well, I'm going for a run. I'll see you later,"

"See ya," I walk into the gym and put my bag in one of the lockers. There are a couple superstars and divas here. Dean isn't here but I decide too stay for a while anyways. I haven't been to the gym for a while and I really need to get back into the routine again.

"Hey Milly!" Renee calls from the treadmill next to mine. She's wearing a purple tank top and black shorts.

"Oh, hey Renee," I was a little caught off guard. I didn't even see her there. That's probably why she greeted me.

"How's everything been?" She asks. Right as I go to answer her my phone starts ringing. I look at the screen and Dean's name pops up along with a picture of him making a funny face.

"I'm so sorry, I have to take this," She nods and I make my way out of the gym. "Hello?"

"Where are you? I brought back lunch and you're not here," He sounds worried an annoyed at the same time. Why is he annoyed when he's the one who left me alone in bed? Not that I'm bitter or anything.

"I'm at the gym. I needed a little workout. I thought you were gonna be here too," Nothing from the other end. All I can here is Dean breathing. "I'll be back in five minutes," I mutter then hang up.

Why do I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach? Like Dean and I are about to get in a huge fight. I really hope we don't. That's one thing I don't need happening any time soon.

The elevator door opens and I walk down the long hallway. I take out the key sliding it into the door. As soon as I close the door behind me Dean is standing in front of me.

"Hey. What did you get for lunch?"

"Taco Bell. I'm glad to know that you actually went to the gym," Dean turns around and heads into the kitchen. He takes out the food separating mine from his.

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