Chapter 36: Drunk Milly

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Dean's POV:

Milly's match is definitely one that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I even find myself shouting at the tv even though she can't hear me.

"What the hell?" I whisper to myself. I continue to watch as Alicia Fox walks down the ramp and argues with the ref outside of the ring. Milly gets distracted giving Eva an advantage. Eva knocks Milly to the ground then goes for the pin.

"1..2..3! The winner of this match and your new divas champion, Eva Marie!" My heart drops as Eva is handed the title. The crowd is obviously not happy with this outcome from all the booing and shouting.

I look at Milly to see that she is still knocked out cold and not moving. The ref makes an effort to wake her up but fails. The paramedics make their way to the ring. I jump out of my seat and run out to Milly. The crowd is happy to see me but that's not my biggest concern at this point. Right now I'm only worried about Milly.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask the paramedics. I'm holding Milly's hand while rubbing my thumb against the back of her hand.

"She's going to be fine. She was knocked out from the blow to her head. She most likely has a concussion but not a major one. We are going to have to take her to the hospital to see for sure though.

Milly wakes up on the way to the hospital. She complains about her head hurting rom the light basically confirming she has a minor concussion. We only spend a couple hours at the hospital. Thankfully, Milly can still wrestle.

"I lost that match, didn't I?" She asks when we get back to the hotel. I ordered us pizza and cheesy bread on our way from the hospital so it should be here soon.


"I'm not the divas champion anymore. That means Eva is." Milly sits down on the couch and stares out the window. Realization is hitting her all at once causing her emotional pain. 

"Get your rematch at Money In The Bank. I've got my match for the briefcase and there still isn't a divas match scheduled yet."

"I'm definitely getting my rematch. I just shouldn't have lost it in the first place. I know better than to get distracted in the middle of a match. That's what I'm upset about." Her shoulders are slouched forward and sadness covers her face like a mask. I sit down beside her wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into my chest.

"Don't beat yourself up over this, babe. Shit happens. Do you know how many times I've gotten distracted from a match? Tons. So many times a little fucker comes along and distracts me causing me to lose my match. It happens. That's just apart of the wrestling world. You'll gain some and lose some. It's all apart of the game." She sighs at the end of my little speech. We sit here in silence until the pizza arrives.

Milly's POV:

"Let's go out tonight. I could use a night to just let loose and have some fun." The words that just left my mouth honestly surprises me. I'm not the type of person to suggest going out for a night. But right now, I feel like that's exaclty what I need.

"Are you sure?" Even Dean looks surprised by my suggestion.

"Yeah. I'll see if Paige wants to come and you can invite Roman too." I take another slice of pizza from the box and take a bit out of it. Meat lover's pizza is the best kind of pizza.


"Hey babe!" Paige exclaims when Dean and I walk into the bar. The bar is packed with people, drunk and sober, talking and dancing. There's not too many people on the dance floor but as the music changes from calm soothing music to up beat music tons of people flood the floor.

"Hey!" We order our drinks then sit down in the stools provided. Roman shows up a minute later and orders his drink. Soon Paige and I are little tipsy while Roman and Dean stay sober. Surprising right?

Dean's POV:

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" Milly slurs while poking my right cheek. She is almost completely waisted along with Paige. Roman and I have decided to stay sober incase we have to carry the girls to the car and help them to the hotel. Which is very likely.

"I don't think you've called me pretty, but you have called me handsome."

"Well, you're not handsome," She narrows her eyebrows at me and pokes my chest with every word she says, "You're pretty! So so very pretty that I wish I was as pretty as you!"

"I think you're actually prettier than I am darling." She looks at me in disbelief. I can't help but chuckle at drunk Milly. Drunk Milly is pretty fucking entertaining.

"YOU ARE MORE PRETTY THAN ME AND THAT'S THAT!" She shouts in my face. A couple people by us look our way giving us a confused and disturbed look.

"Calm down Milly. I'm sure Dean agrees with you." Roman says to Milly earning a glare.

"I wanna dance!" Paige whines and pulls on Milly's arm. They both stand up and stumble to the dance floor almost knocking a guy over.

Watching Milly and Paige try to dance is hilarious. They're so drunk all they can do is bob up and down and fling their arms everywhere.

"It's two in the morning. I think we should head back to the hotel." Roman suggests and I agree. Roman picks up Paige and I pick up Milly.

"You can't take me alive! I'm Spider-Man!" Milly shouts as we walk to the car. Thankfully there's no one around to hear her loud ass mouth. Reminder, don't ever let Milly get drunk. She gets annoying after a while.

"You're not Spider-Man! You're Milly!" Paige giggles but that's not all that comes out of her mouth.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Roman roars as Paige vomits all over his back. I look away in disgust. My eyes widen as Milly makes a disturbing sound.

"Milly, don't you fucking-" Milly cuts me off by vomiting down my back. It takes all my self control to not throw her off of me and yell at her. But I remember all the shit I did to her when I was drunk and calm myself down. Since drunk Dean broke my girl's heart, I can deal with drunk Milly throwing up on me. 

Roman takes Paige to her hotel room as I help Milly into ours.

"Dean, my head hurts. So does my tummy." She whines. I lay her down in the bed then bring her a glass of water and medicine for when she wakes up in the morning.
Hey lunatics! First, I hope you guys love this chapter! I thought drunk Milly was funny. Especially when she threw up on Dean. Secondly, I'm on vacation! Once again I'm up in Mackinaw, Michigan at Mackinaw Mill Creek campgrounds. If you are here or are going to be here I would love to meet you! I'm here from today through the 18th. Once again, I hope you liked the chapter and feel free to vote and comment!

Ps, if you ever wondered what I look like here's a pic below:

Ps, if you ever wondered what I look like here's a pic below:

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