Chapter 48: This Should Have Happened Months Ago

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Before I even took my blindfold off I knew we were at the beach. I could hear the soothing sound of waves crashing, families laughing while having a good time, and who could mistaken the warm but moist sand underneath their feet for anything else? Even the scent in the air is much fresher than within the city. 

I take my time to soak in the scene in front of me. We are standing in the middle of a heart made up of petals and candles that alternate. I can see the tiny pebbles that were placed on top of the petals to keep them in place from the slight breeze. 

Roman, Seth, Paige, Becky, and even AJ stand around the heart holding candles. Tears start to form blurring my vision as Dean turns me towards him. 

"I'm not going to make this long but I do want you to know that the past two years together have been the best two years of my life. As soon as I saw you I knew I had to make you mine. Looking back I acted kinda creepy towards you so I do apologize for that," He chuckles to himself while shaking his head a bit. I laugh a little bit also, "Milly, my love for you can not be put into words. I can't express how much I want to have you all to myself for the rest of our lives. So, that's where this comes into play," He reaches into his pocket and takes out a tiny box. Dean looks back up at me an opens the box revealing a diamond ring.

"Milly, will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Ambrose?" 

My heart rate increase as I look into those baby blue eyes. I see all the rough patches we have been through and all the good times that have happened between us. I also see our future together. Our future that's filled of good things and bad things. But nothing that we can't make it through together. This man right here is and has always been my soul mate.

"Please, say something. You're scaring me, Milly." Dean now has a severely worried look on his face. I start to laugh and nod my head nonstop.

"Yes, of course I will become Mrs. Ambrose you lunatic!" 

Dean slides the ring onto my finger before leaning down to kiss me. His kiss is sweet and passionate. It's completely different from his usual kisses that are filled of hunger and need. This kiss makes me forget about our friends standing before us clapping and howling at our engagement. It makes me forget about everything for a good minute. 

"I love you so much." He murmurs into my lips. I pull away caressing his cheek. But before I can respond Paige's shouts fill the air.

"Oh my gosh, Roman your hair is on fire!" I look over and sure enough the end of Roman's air is on fire. 

"Oh, fuck no! You stupid bitch!" He shouts as he runs towards the water and dives in. The rest of us stare after him in shock as he walks back over with at least an inch of his hair shorter on one side than the other. 

AJ was the first one to start laughing her ass off. The rest of us followed her actions as Roman stood there looking like he could spear someone a hundred times without stopping. 

Suddenly, AJ screams and throws herself at me which was a bad idea. The both of us fall on the ground with a loud thud. I hug her back despite having my breath knocked out of me. It's a good thirty seconds before she loosens her grip and rolls off of me. It's been so long since I've seen her in person and not on my laptop screen. 

"Congrats! I'm so happy for you, Mills! It's about damn time Dean popped the question. This should have happened months ago." AJ rolls her eyes but keeps a big smile on her face. 

"I'm right here!" Dean whines, throwing his hands up in the air. AJ gives him the "I'm well aware of your presence" look then backs up so Paige and Becky can give me a hug too. 

"I can't believe you did all this for me." I breathe out in disbelief when everyone starts heading back to their cars. I lace my fingers through his and lean into him. 

"I'm not the only one who planned this. There's someone else you need to thank also cause if it wasn't for them our engagement wouldn't have been this spectacular." Dean explains. I scrunch my eyebrows together as he calls for someone to come out of the bushes. At first it's just a woman with a camera in front of her face. But once she puts down the camera I immediately recognize her. 

"Renee? You helped with this?" My eyes widen as Renee walks up with a sheepish grin. 

"Yeah, Dean asked me to help a while back. So back when you thought Dean was cheating on you with me, he was telling the truth when he explained that he wasn't." She explains. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 

How could I have ever thought Dean was cheating on me? Looking back I was such a bitch to even think that. Dean cheating on me should have never even crossed my mind and never will again. I'm extremely disappointed in myself. 

"Renee, I am so sorry for that. It was awful of me to even accuse either of you of cheating. You're a much better person than that. Both of you are." I apologize, hoping Renee will forgive me. I would love to become friends with her and see how close we become. 

"It's alright. I would have became suspicious too if I had found out my boyfriend was sneaking around with another woman. I definitely wouldn't have been very happy about it. So you're forgiven." I release the breath I was holding. Renee laughs and pulls me into a tight hug while congratulating me on my engagement. 

Now there's only one major question on my mind.

How will WWE react to Dean and I's engagement?
Hey lunatics! It's been quite a while hasn't it? I have to confess that it has been a crazy couple months. Even some major things have happened. I got accepted into a college, I had a date to homecoming, and now I have a boyfriend! What the hell, right? I still can't believe someone would want to be with my crazy ass.

Anyways, I hope you LOVE the chapter! They're finally engaged!!!! YAY!!!!!! Please vote and leave me a wonderful comment!

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