Chapter 34: Milly or Abigail?

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It's been two weeks that I've been living with Paige. This has probably been the best two weeks in a while. Paige and I have gone out and watched movies almost every night. It's nice to just be away from hanging with guys all the time. I love Dean and Roman, but sometimes they can get annoying.

It's also been three weeks since I was technically forced to join the Wyatt family. You would think it would be awful but surprisingly, it's gotten better. I've been able to persuade them that I enjoy being in the Wyatt family and want to stay. But that also means I haven't seen Dean in almost three weeks. I miss him terribly.

But can't you just sneak off and see him? You're not even living with Bray.

Bray Wyatt finds out where you've been and what you have done. He has spies every where believe it or not. So, no, I can not just sneak off and reunite with Dean. Bray would know and I do not want to find out what he would do to me.

Yes, I'm very aware that I'm making him sound like he's a psychopath, but he is. He doesn't have any feelings for what he does whatsoever. It's a wonder how the WWE doesn't know about this or any of the bad stuff he has done.

"Are you ready, Abigail?" Bray asks. We  are currently waiting outside the curtain for the music to blare. This is the only way Dean has been able to see me for the past three weeks. On a tv monitor whenever we have matches. It's the only way I've been able to see him too. It sucks but like always, I have a plan. And that plan is going to take action pretty soon.

The Wyatt's music blares throughout the arena. I look around as we walk down the ramp, seeing hundreds of people hold up their phones with their cameras on to signify that they are a firefly. It's amazing how pumped up people get when a wrestler comes out. Especially if it's their favorite wrestler.

We get into the ring and the lights come back on as soon as Bray blows out the lantern. Well, pretends to blow it out but actually turns the switch on the bottom of it. If you look close enough you can see his fingers move underneath it.

Bray starts off our promo talking about when he was a young boy. The usual. The mic goes to each of the members and each of them either tell a story or refer to Bray in some way. Finally the mic makes it too me. I can't wait for what's about to happen.

"You're at a point in your life where everything is perfect. You're working your dream job, you're in the perfect relationship, everything seems good. But something or someone tells you or shows you that something is missing or wrong in your life. That's what happened to me. I was living a lie as Milly. The girlfriend of the one and only lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose; the divas champion, one of the most talented divas of divas division-" Music blares through out the arena. Not The Shield's music, but Dean's music. Dean and Roman walk down the ramp and into the ring. My heart sinks a little bit as I realize that The Shield has been destroyed once again. Except this time it has been destroyed by me.

"Milly-" Dean starts but gets interrupted by Bray.

"Her name is Abigail! Milly is dead!" Bray shouts, earning a glare from Roman and Dean.

"Milly," Dean starts again. I look over at Bray who looks like he's about to rip Dean's head off, "What the hell are you doing? The Milly I know would never ever break up The Shield. She is the divas champion that the whole WWE universe loves and adores. You are the person that the crowd cheers the loudest for when you are in a match. Why would you downgrade yourself to the Wyatt family?" The look on Dean's face breaks my heart. His expression is full of betrayal.

"I wouldn't call joining the Wyatt family a downgrade. I would call it an experience. An experience that has changed the way I see things. Everyone has their own way of doing things. And this is my way of saying goodbye." The lights go out in Dean's eyes. His expression goes from a look of betrayal to pure sadness.

"You're saying goodbye to The Shield?" Roman asks what Dean can't manage to choke out.

"Roman, Dean, I'm saying goodbye to...the Wyatt family." I turn to see the look on Bray's face. It's a look of pure hatred.

"Do you know what you're doing, Abigail?" He growls like a predator about to attack its prey.

"My name is Milly not Abigail. And as a matter of fact I do know what I'm doing Bray. And I know you won't use anything against me. Attacking a female would make you look weak since people still don't see men and women as equals. You would lose hundreds, if not, thousands of followers. So take a good look at the new and improved version of-"

Lima...Delta...The Shield

"Okay, that was fucking awesome!" Roman exclaims once we get backstage.

"I totally agree!" I squeal and jump up and down.

"You had us fooled pretty good babe." Dean wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"I would never end The Shield. Im not like Seth and I would never follow in his footsteps." After a couple minutes Roman walks to catering leaving Dean and I alone.

"I missed you, Milly." Dean cups my cheek with his hand rubbing his thumb along my cheek.

"I missed you too." We walk away from the main corridors and into an unused office. I know what you're thinking, but we are not going to have sex.

Dean smashes his lips onto mine as soon as the door closes. I happily kiss him back full of passion and affection. How was I able to survive from being away from him for so long?
Sorry for the long wait! But I updated! How have my lunatics been? It's been over a month since you've seen me. During that month I want to thank you guys for 99.8k reads on Perfectly Insane. WHAT? It's true! Perfectly Insane is almost at 100k reads! That's completely crazy. I would of never have thought in a million years my books would be doing as good as they are now. I hope you guys like the chapter! I just spent the past hour writing most of it because you guys deserve another chapter to Milly and Dean's love story. Please vote and comment!

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