Chapter 35: Oh Oh Yeah

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Being the divas champion means you're the best out of the divas division, but that's not all. It also means you're a role model to the divas division, little kids, teenagers, even adult fans of the WWE. They look up to you as they would look up to a pop star, model, teacher, or even their own parents. It's an amazing experience to have little girls come up to you and tell you how much they love you and want to be just like you when they grow up.

I may be the divas champion but I have to continue to prove myself to the other divas and the WWE universe that I deserve to be the divas champion. In order to do that I have to continuously put my title at stake. I have to continuously beat opponent after opponent without doing any dirty moved or tricks unlike some of the other divas in the locker room.

"I need to have a title match tonight on Smackdown." I randomly say. I'm currently making breakfast for Dean and I. I love to cook so to be able to make something for the first time in months is wonderful.

"Why do you say that?" As I make the sausage gravy and biscuits Dean is making turkey bacon and scrambled eggs. The whole hotel room is filled with the delicious smells making my mouth water more and more as the minutes go by. This food needs to hurry up and cook because mama is hungry!

"Because I've been so caught up in storylines for the past two months. I need to have a title match to prove I'm still capable of being the champion. Some of the divas in the locker room are starting to talk shit about me." I add some salt and pepper to the gravy as it thickens to give it some more flavor. The oven goes off signaling the biscuits are done. I get them out and set them in a basket burning the hell out of my hands.

"They're just intimidated by you. You're about to break AJ's record for the longest reigning divas champion. They want to knock you off the thrown before you can break that record and have a shot at breaking it themselves."

"I still need to prove myself. I can't just go months at a time without having a title match." Dean sets plates down on the island and we start to take the food over by our plates. It honestly smells amazing and I'm probably going to eat until I throw up.

"Then have a match tonight. Let anyone in the divas locker room that wants to challenge you for it challenge you. No matter who comes out you'll defeat them." He winks at me then continues to put gravy over his biscuits.

"If I lose tonight you're the first person I'm coming after."

"Why me?" He looks up at me like I just broke his favorite toy. I can't help but giggle a little bit.

"Because you would've jinxed me! Duh!" He rolls his eyes as a smile spreads across his face. We eat breakfast cracking jokes and sharing drama we have heard the past couple weeks.

I can definitely see myself marrying this man in the future.


The Shield's music blares throughout the arena and I make my way down the ring. It's nice to walk down the ramp for once. I love going down the stairs but it can get annoying when people try to drag you into the crowd or trip you.

I high-five some of the fans and swing myself into the ring. I hoist the title up into the air making the crowd go crazy. I grab a mic and stand in the middle of the ring.

"Hello WWE universe! Who wants to see a divas match here tonight?" Shrills of excitement explode through out the arena. It's amazing how crazy the crowd can get, "I haven't had a title match here in two months so why not have one tonight on Smackdown? So ladies, whoever would like a shot at the title come on down here and challenge me for it!"  I wait a couple seconds and music fills the arena.

Oh Yeah,
Oh Oh Yeah,
She's so fast,
She's got me dreamin' lovin' from her head to her toes now girl don't quit...

My smile drops as Eva Marie skips down the ramp. She has a knowing smirk plastered on her face. She knows I was not expecting her to challenge me and that I'm not totally ready to take her on. She wants revenge on what I did to her at a NXT live event back when we first formed The Shield.

"What's wrong Milly? You look shocked." She smirks and circles around me.

"I am shocked, shocked that Stephanie and Triple H would think you're good enough to be on the main roster." 'Ohs' along with some laughs are heard in the arena. Eva's smirk has been wiped off her face and plastered onto mine. I have to say, that felt pretty good.

"I've been on the main roster once." She points out but that doesn't help her situation much.

"But then you got put back in NXT 'cause you weren't quite good enough for the main roster yet. What makes you think you can steal my title from me?"

"Every champion has to be taken down one way or another."

"Oh really?"

"Really" I nod and a ref comes into the ring. I kiss my belt then give it to the ref. He holds it in the air then gives it to somebody outside of the ring.

The bell rings and we lock up. She is able to push me off almost immediately because of my height. I charge at her and she takes me by my shoulders driving me into the turnbuckle. I turn myself around right in time to get a knee to the face. Eva backs up to do it again but I'm able to dodge it this time.

I stumble across the ring and lean against the opposite turnbuckle. Eva turns herself around and I run my knee into her gut a few times before delivering the Flying Bulldog. I go for the cover but she kicks out at 2.

We stand up and I punch her a few times and get her in place for the Weeping Willow. I successfully deliver it and cover Eva for the win.

"1...2..-" The ref gets pulled out of the ring making me confused as hell. I get up to see Alicia Fox arguing with ref.

"What the hell are you doing Alicia?" I shout at her. She glances at me but continues to argue with the ref. I go to get out of the ring but before I can I get hit from behind. Next thing I know everything has gone black.
DEAN IS WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!!!!!!Woohoo!! AND the Cavs won the championship! Fun fact about me, my home state is Ohio. I'm sure you guys already know that though.

So I have something important to ask you guys. Should Perfectly Insane go into the 2016 Wattys? What do you guys think? Please let me know! You all are a big part of this decision. Please comment your thoughts on this!

I hope you guys like the chapter! I spent the last two hours on it. Do you think Milly will retain against Eva? Or will she be defeated? Please vote and comment!

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