Chapter 5: Laser Maze

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"Are you sure about this?" Paige asks me when we get backstage.

"Look, I know you've done a lot of shit to me in the past year and all but I'm forgiving you. We were so close once that I don't think we can go to never speaking at all,"

"I honestly don't know what was wrong with me. I guess I was just jealous that you had a healthy relationship with Dean an I never did,"

"Okay, enough with this shit you're both best friends again so let's ask the question everyone wants answered. Why did you team with us?" Becky asks.

"There's no way in hell I would team up with Team BAD and Team Bella are suck ups to The Authority so that just left me one option left. If I want it to work out with you guys I have to put all the shit that happened between Paige an I behind me and that's exactly what I did,"

"Well, I'm glad you did," Charlotte says thankfully.


"I'm really surprised you teamed up with Paige and her team," Dean mentions while putting a piece of pizza on his plate.

"I got over the past. Plus did you really see me teaming up with Team BAD or Team Bella?"


"Team PCB was my only other option. Anyways after lunch wanna go to a laser maze?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows knowing how much Dean loves to go to these things.

"Hell yeah! I love those things!" He starts getting excited like a toddler walking into a candy shop filled with their favorite candy. 

"I know you do. That's why I asked. We aren't gonna be able to stay long since we gotta tape Smackdown but it'll still be fun!"

It took us an hour before we arrived at the laser maze place. We went inside and bought ten tokens for ten dollars so we each get five tokens.

"Solo or partner first?" I ask him.

"Partner. That way if you break a laser beam I will get to yell at you for it," He smirks.

"Of course," We put in our tokens then walk through the curtain leading us to a small dark room. Within five seconds lasers were spread out across the small room.

"A or B?" I ask him.

"I'll go A," I nod and Dean starts to make his way across the room to the red blinking hand. He makes it there without breaking a laser beam.

"Your turn," He grins thinking I'm going to break a laser beam. I make it to the red blinking hand without breaking a beam proving Dean wrong. We both touch the hands at the same time and the maze changes.

"You thought I was gonna break a beam didn't you?"

"Maybe," He smirks that boyish smirk at me. He starts going in between two beams carefully making sure to not touch either of them. I plaster an evil grin on my face and push Dean. He topples over onto the ground breaking about five to seven beams.

"What was that for?"

"I didn't do anything! You just lost your balance that's all," I stifle a laugh watching Dean make his way over to the second hand. I do the same and then we are done.

"This time we go solo," Dean says.

"Okay, but ladies first!" I walk over turn in my token and walk back into the room. The laser beams pop back up within five seconds. I'm on my way to the second hand when I slip and fall.

"Fuck," I growl getting up. I look around seeing about six to eight beams left.

"What a nasty fall," Dean chuckles when I come out.

"Yeah, yeah, just go," Of course Dean makes it through without breaking a single laser beam. He gets a sticker for his accomplishment also.

"I just love my sticker showing I didn't break a single beam," Dean rubs it in my face as we leave the building.

"You're going to be doing this for the rest of the night aren't you?"

"Yep!" We get back to the hotel and grab our bags before heading to the arena Smackdown is gonna be aired in. Except when we walk out the door I practically drop my bags and get the urge to run because of the people standing in the middle of the hallway.

Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper.

Hey lunatics! I'm very sorry this chapter is short in having trouble with writers block along with being extremely busy lately. Please vote and comment on this chapter and I hope you loved it!

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