Chapter 37: Silicon Balloon Bags

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Milly's POV:

I wake up at six in the morning with a pounding headache. I down the medicine and water Dean had left out for me. I have no memory of what happened last night. The last thing I remember is downing a shot of something with Paige and that's it. Hell I can't even remember what I drank last night.

"You're up." Dean states when he walks out of the bathroom.

"So are you." My voice comes out rough and my throat feels extremely dry. Dean throws me a water bottle which I thank him for before he sits down beside me on the bed.

"Hope you start feeling better soon because we have to go to the gym today." I groan and fall back onto my pillow. Honestly, I don't think I have the energy for working out today. Even though I'm starting to lose muscle and become weak.

"Do I have to go with you?"

"Yes, you shouldn't be complaining. Especially since what you did to me last night." He looks at me like I completely broke his heart last night. I rack my brain again to try and remember anything from last night. Sadly, I'm unsuccessful.

"Dean, whatever I did I'm so sorry!" I start to freak out and I wrap my arms around Dean, "Whatever I did to you last night I'm sorry for it. I didn't mean to break you-" Dean's laughter is what cuts my rambling off. I lean back and look at him with a confused expression as he continues to laugh, "I don't get what's so funny here."

"Your acting like you cheated on me. All you did was throw up on the back of my shirt after watching Paige throw up on Roman." My mouth falls open for a second. I quickly recover and slap his chest causing him to put his hand there in pain, "What was that for?"

"For making me think I cheated on you you lunatic!" I shout and stand up to take a shower before we leave for the gym.

"Well, I am the lunatic fringe." He leads on which causes me too roll my eyes.

"You're such a dork you dweeb."

"Did you just call me a dweeb?" I look back at Dean and his nose is scrunched up in confusion and amusement.

"I believe that was the word that came out of my mouth...dweeb." At that Dean jumps up off the bed, racing towards me. I try to run into the bathroom but he catches the door as I grab for it.

"I believe I'm going to have to punish you for calling me a name I don't care for." He has a playful smirk on his face. He's definitely up to something so I might as well play along.

"And how are you going to punish me?" I ask in a concerning tone. He walks into the bathroom closing the door behind him. I turn the water on in the shower. I know what he's up to and either way I need a nice long shower to relax my muscles.


Today is the first time in forever I don't have a match at a WWE live event. I'm so glad because I can definitely use the break. I'm just gonna hangout in catering and eat lots of green bell peppers with ranch. And also have a talk with Stephanie McMahon. I know she has it out for me and sent out Alicia Fox the other day.

"Try not to get fired please. You keep me sane." Paige has been trying to talk me out of talking to Stephanie for the past twenty minutes.

"I'm not going to get myself fired! I am one of the most popular divas in this division. The WWE universe would be outraged."

"That hasn't stopped her before though. Remember when The Authority got RAW back from John Cena and fired everyone that was on his team just for being on his side? She does ridiculous things all the time." Paige points out shoving a strawberry in her mouth.

"I know. Trust me, I'm going to be careful on what I say darling." I look towards the door and Eva walks in with the divas title on here shoulder. Alicia Fox is right along side her combing her fingers through her hair. Eva makes eye contact with me and smirks. I stand up as she walks over ready for anything that could go down.

"Does your waist feel like there's something missing Milly? Because I think that missing object is right here on my shoulder." She smirks and pushes her hair behind her shoulder.

"Oh don't worry Eva, I will have have my rematch at Money In The Bank and get my title back."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you." She walks closer to me so there's no space between us. Since she's several inches taller than me her boobs are in my face which is a very unpleasant sight.

"Eva, back your silicon balloon bags out of my face or I will." I growl at her. Alicia scoffs putting her hand over her mouth in disbelief as Eva continues to stare at me with a disgusted expression. A couple of the other superstars in the room chuckle quietly and smile at my comeback.

"Make me bitch!" She growls right back which sets me off. I push her away from me knocking her into Alicia. Alicia pushes her back towards me giving Eva a little boost of speed. I dodge Eva and push her right into the table I was just sitting at with Paige.

"What the hell is going on in here?" The one an only Stephanie McMahon shouts at the top of her lungs. Her eyes are set on me with pure anger, "Milly! My office NOW!" She storms out of the room and I let out a sigh. Eva is on the floor groaning and the superstars are speechless at the events that just took place. Alicia has a smirk on her face when I look at her. I stomp my foot at her making her flinch. I smirk and walk to Stephanie's office.

"That behavior is intolerable Milly." Stephanie says once I sit down in the chair across from her desk. It's a dark brown leather chair that matches her desk.

"She was talking smack and getting all up in my face Stephanie." I try to defend myself but by her face she's not buying it even though it's the truth.

"Did you give her a warning at all? Or did you just decide to attack her like a wild animal on the loose?" I clench my hands into fists on my lap. My nails dig into my palms and I can feel the little trickle of blood running down my hand.

"Of course I did! She stepped closer till her silicon boobs were in my face." Stephanie leans back in her chair resting her hands on her lap. She looks at me for a good ten seconds before talking again.

"I'm giving you a warning Milly. The only thing keeping me from suspending you is your story line with Eva and how poplar you are in the WWE universe. You may be dismissed." I walk out of the office closing the door a little harder than necessary.

My hands have blood all over the palms from digging my nails into them so hard. I sigh and make my way to the locker room.
Hello lunatics! Sorry for not updating in almost a month. I've been busy as hell believe it or not. So I've decided to give you guys my Instagram, snapchat, and Twitter incase you want to add or follow me on any of those. It's hot here in Ohio guys. I have band camp in the mornings for the next three weeks. I love band so much but marching at 10am when it's already almost 85 degrees out sucks. Enough of the rambling. I hope you LOVE the chapter lunatics! It's funny yet has some violence in it because it's Milly. She's a violent person obviously. Please vote and comment! Till next time lunatics!

Snapchat- auble00 (those are zeros not o's incase you're confused)
Instagram- annabelleauble
Twitter- AnnabelleAuble

PS. For those of you that play Pokémon GO. TEAM VALOR!!!!!!!!!

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