Chapter 11: Hell In A Cell

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I look myself over in the mirror one last time. Dean has been banging on the bathroom door for the past ten minutes trying to get me to finally leave so we can get some lunch.

"It's about damn time," Dean groans as I finally emerge from the bathroom. I roll my eyes and grab my purse walking out the door.

"Let's go to that bagel place a couple miles down. I'm in the mood for a bagel," I tell him.

"What do you say?" Dean smirks at me causing his dimples to show.

"Please?" I say with my best puppy dog eyes. Dean starts to laugh while nodding. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. You look cute when you do that," He starts the car and pulls out in to the busy street cutting off about three other cars. They honk their horns and Dean just gives them the middle finger back.

"You're such a gentleman,"

"I know," He says winking at me. Ten minutes later he parks the car in front of Carlene's Fantastic Bagels.

"Good afternoon what can I get you two today?" The girl at the register says. She looks like she's in her thirties.

"Can I get the pizza bagel with bacon and no mushrooms," Dean orders.

"And for you miss?"

"The breakfast delight bagel please,"

"That'll be $8.89," Dean hands her the money. We sit in a booth waiting for our bagels. I let my mind drift off to wherever it wants to go.

Tonight is the night Becky and I face each other for the divas championship. I'm very nervous and my hands are shaking. Becky is a really good wrestler. Whenever we faced each other in a match I always lost. I haven't beaten her once.

"You alright? You're shaking and got your thinking face on,"

"There's a very good chance I won't come out of the match tonight as divas champion," I explain to Dean.

"What do you mean?"

"I've never beaten Becky in a single match. Not once,"

"Well there's a first time for everything my love," The lady brings our bagels. The smell reaches my nose making my mouth water.

I unwrap the foil around the bagel. It's huge! Eggs, bacon, sausage, and cheese is piled on to it causing my mouth to water even more. I take a bite and can't help but moan as all the flavors come together nicely.

"You're not gonna have an orgasm are you?" Dean asks in a hushed voice so no one around hears. I practically choke on my food at his comment.

"I don't know this bagel is pretty good," He rolls his eyes at me laughing a little. "How's your bagel?"

"Pretty good. Not as good as you though," Dean winks at me and I can feel my face starting to heat up.

"Dean, we are in public so keep your horny comments to yourself," I whisper so no one around us hears. He starts laughing which confuses me. "Why are you laughing?"

"You're cute when you're trying to be serious," I roll my eyes and continue to eat my delicious bagel.


"Milly can I get a moment with you?" Renee asks. A cameraman is with her so I figured it's so she can have a live interview with me since Hell In A Cell has started.

"Sure," I hoist my title on my shoulders.

"Ladies and gentlemen I am here with your divas champion, Milly," Renee announces and I step into view. "Milly, are you nervous for your match tonight?"

"Honestly yes I am, Renee. Becky is an amazing wrestler,"

"Do you think she has a chance at dethroning you tonight?"

"I guess we will both find out tonight," I answer and walk off. I'm extremely nervous for my match tonight. I've been divas champion for 240 days. Only 21 more days and I'll be the longest reigning divas champion ever. I'm so close yet so far and I'll be damned if I let anyone stop me. Even if I am friends with them.

I haven't wrestled Becky in over a year now. I could be better than her now and not know it. Who am I kidding? There's no way in hell I'm better than her.

"Milly, you need to get to the curtain. You have a promo then your match," Stephanie tells me. I nod and make my way there. Charlotte, Becky, Dean, and Roman were also there.

"You ready?" Roman asked me. I looked at Becky and nodded. A cameraman and Renee came and pointed to us signaling we were live.

"Becky, Milly, do you think you guy's friendship can survive this match?" She asks.

"No matter what happens Milly and I will always be a team. No obstacle can break our friendship. She's like a sister to me. Along with Charlotte," Becky says. Charlotte's music hits soon after and Charlotte and Becky make their way to the ring. Roman, Dean, and I hurried to our spot barely making it in time.

Sierra.. Hotel.. India.. Echo.. Lima.. Delta... The Shield

We walked out. Roman, Dean, than me. I fist pump fans on the way down while trying not to trip. Finally we get down to the ring in one piece. I climb in right as Charlotte climbs out.

"Enemies from now until the bell rings ending the match," Becky says going though with our plan.

"Enemies," I agree. The ref takes my title and holds it up in the air. I look at Becky who's looking at it with longing and determination. Then the ref gives the title to someone and the bell rings.

For most of the match Becky and I go back and forth. She's still good but I've definitely gotten a lot better and it's catching her off guard. I position her for my signature move, the Weeping Willow. I land on her perfectly and pin her for the win. I smile as the ref goes to hit the ring floor again for the win but Becky kicks out right before he can do so. Shocked I stand up and grab my hair in frustration. I turn around only to get a drop kick from Becky. I stumble back and lean on the ropes for support. She grabs me and sets me up for the Dis-arm-her. Not being able to comprehend what's going on she nails it and pins me. Everything is blurry and I can't seem to move.

"1...2...3!" The crowd erupts in boos and cheers. Charlotte and Becky's music hits and I roll out of the ring over to Dean and Roman. I look back to see Charlotte and Becky celebrating.

"I was so close," I mumble to know one in particular. "Give me a mic!" I demand and get one.

"What are you doing?" Roman asks.

"You'll see,"

"Don't do anything you're gonna regret!" Dean shouts as I crawl into the ring.

"Congratulations, Becky. I'm a little upset but who isn't upset when they lose something they loved the most? No offense, Dean," I look over and Dean rolls his eyes while laughing. I stick my hand out to shake Becky's. As she places her hand in mine I grab it and pull her forward punching her in the face then delivering a drop kick.

"What the hell!" Charlotte yells and charges at me. I clothesline her and deliver the Dirty Deeds. Becky gets up and I deliver the Spear to her.

"You see, Becky. When you lose something you love it hurts. And sometimes you have to show that you're hurting throw physical activity and the outcome isn't always good," I drop the mic and slide out of the ring.

Dean and Roman walk over to me and we walk up the ramp. I'm definitely gonna be in big trouble with Triple H and Stephanie.
Hey lunatics! A little longer chapter. Hopefully they'll keep getting longer I am really gonna try. So do you guys think Milly made the right decision? Please comment what you think! Also vote if you liked the chapter! One more thing, if you haven't yet please go check out my new book called Good Girl Gone Bad. Till next update my lunatics!

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