Chapter 7: Found Her

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I've been up for an hour and Dean is still asleep. Usually he wakes up before me but that's not the case this morning. I've been occupying myself by doing some dishes, cleaning, and even dusting.

"Dean, wake up," I whisper into his ear. He doesn't move at all. I do it again but still nothing happens. "Okay then. You don't wanna do this the easy way then we will do it the hard way," I grab a pillow and slam it down on him not once, but twice.

"What the-" He starts but gets interrupted with a pillow to the face. "Enough with the pillow! I'm up!" He says putting his hands in the air.


"Why did you hit me with a pillow to wake me up?"

"Well, I tried whispering and talking sweetly into your ear but that didn't do anything so I got the pillow and hit you with it," I proudly say. Dean doesn't say anything. He stands up while keeping a blank expression on his face walking towards me as I back up.

"Dean, what are you doing?" I ask as I back up a little. Next thing I know I'm being lifted and tossed onto the bed laughing my ass off as Dean tickles me.

"Dean. Please. Stop!" I beg in between laughing and trying to breath. He finally stops after another minute then heads to the bathroom. I haven't made breakfast in a while so that's exactly what I do.

"You make breakfast at least twice a week," Dean mentions when he walks into the room.

"If you're complaining then I guess I'll stop and we can go to not having breakfast or having the crappy food down in the lobby,"

"Oh, I'm definitely not complaining! Your cooking is amazing!" He over exaggerates.

"That's what I thought," I finish cooking breakfast and lay out some plates on the counter then put the food on them.

"So how long till you could be the longest reigning divas champion in WWE history?" Dean asks. I totally forgot about that. Life has been so chaotic the past few months I haven't had time to think about that.

"I don't know. I won my championship at Elimination Chamber. I don't even know how many days that is. I'll have to figure that out sometime today," We finish eating and I clean our plates.

Tonight we are taping Smackdown so we only have a couple hours before we have to leave. My phone starts ringing and I immediately run to the bedroom.


"Milly? This is your father,"

"Hey dad! It's been a while,"

"Yes, it has," There's something wrong. I can tell by the way he's talking. He's sounds sad instead of all happy like normal.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I hear him sigh along with some shuffling.

"Um, it's Nellie," My heart immediately drops. Ever since my parents got divorced Nellie has been getting into trouble more and more. Luckily she hasn't been drinking or doing drugs.

"What happen now?" I sigh in disappointment.

"Well, she left last night. She told me she was going to the store and never came back. I was wondering if you know where she's at?"

"Oh my lord! No! She hasn't called or anything. Do you have any idea of where she could be?"

"Not a clue. She's been getting home late for the past couple months now. I've overheard a couple of her phone calls. She's been talking with a guy named Joey," The name sounds familiar but no one comes to my mind.

"I don't think I know anyone named Joey. If she calls or shows up or anything I'll let you know right away," I assure him. We say our goodbyes before ending the call. I never thought Nellie would go as far as running away from home. We used to be so close. She always talked to me if she was upset. Now it's like I don't even know my own sister anymore.

"Hey, you alright?" Dean asks bringing me back to reality.

"Uh, no. No I'm not. Nellie has ran away from home," I tell him.

"Your sister?" He asks and I nod. He doesn't say anything. Instead he hugs me tight running his hand up and down my back soothingly.

"Why is my life so messed up?" I mumble into Dean's shirt.

"No one has a perfect life. Now go get ready for Smackdown. I have a surprise for you before we leave," He kisses the top of my head before patting my butt pushing me towards the closet.

Dean leaves the room so I can get dressed. I hear a vibrating sound coming from the end table near the bed. I walk over an it's Dean's phone. He has a new message. Curiosity gets the best of me and I open the text message.

See you tonight! ;)

"Why is she texting Dean?" I whisper to myself. I know Renee and Dean used to date before I came to the main roster but they broke up over two years ago. I ignore the feeling that Dean might be cheating on me but I know he would never do that.

Would he?

I come backstage from Paige's and Sasha's match. Now I have to hurry and find Dean and Roman since we have a promo. Finally I find them right outside of catering and we head to go back out to the ring.

Sierra.. Hotel.. India.. Echo.. Lima.. Delta... The Shield

We walk down the stairs fist pumping fans along the way. It's hard to keep a straight face when all you hear is people cheering and screaming your name. We finally get down to the ring and I get handed a microphone. I bring the mic up to my lips but before I get a single word out Seth Rollin's music blares through out the arena.

"Sorry to rain on your parade actually, no I'm not," Seth chuckles.

"What the hell do you want Rollins?" I sneer. Dean puts his hand on my lower back making sure I won't do anything stupid.

"Let's be nice here. I just wanted to introduce you to someone. I'm pretty sure you'll know them very well," He has a you're-gonna-shit-your-fucking-pants look plastered on his face.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Introduce the person," He turns towards the entrance. The three of us turn our attention there also.

The girl walks out and I drop the mic. My mouth hangs open. I honestly can't believe my eyes right now.

"Holy shit," I whisper. This can not be happening.
I will now be updating on Mondays and Pay Per View Sundays! School had started and I don't have as much free time as I did.

Also if you guys could PLEASE GO FOLLOW ME AND GET ME TO 100 FOLLOWERS! It would mean so much!

Who do you guys think Seth is introducing to them? Till Sunday my lunatics!

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