Chapter 8: Break Her, I'll Break You

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Nellie stands there holding onto Seth's arm grinning her ass off. I'm so shocked I don't move for at least three minutes. I bend down and pick the mic up.

"How much longer do we have?" I whisper into Dean's ear.

"Five minutes until the show is over," He whispers back. I give a slight nod and turn back towards Seth and Nellie.

"You don't seem very excited to see Nellie, Milly. After all she is your baby sister," Seth knows exactly what he's doing by bringing my sister into this. This isn't just about breaking up The Shield anymore. It's gotten personal.

"Nellie, what are you doing here?"

"Oh Milly, you're so clueless! Can't you see that you have made a joke out of the company? You have no clue what's best for business but I do. I'm here to dethrone you and take out The Shield,"

"Dethrone me? In order to do that you actually have to step into a WWE ring and win a match," I fire back.

"Okay then. This Sunday I challenge you at Night Of Champions for the divas championship!"

"As much as I would love to bash your face in for betraying me I can't accept your offer. See here in the real world you actually have to work for what you want. So when you show me that you deserve a chance at the title, I will give it too you," I drop the mic as our music hits. Then grab my belt off my waist and hoist up into the air. Nellie puts on a pouty face while Seth hugs her and tries to comfort her.

What happens next really makes me wanna tear her apart. Nellie knows what Seth did too me when we had dated back in NXT. My breathing stops as their lips connect. I can hear my heart beating in my chest. Dean wraps his arms around me for comfort.

We finally make our way back stage running into Nellie and Seth right away.

"Milly!" Nellie shouts my name and hugs me almost making me fall to the floor.

"What are you doing here?"

"Triple H called me saying they needed me for the feud an I couldn't say no to an opportunity like this!" The anger inside me begins to boil as she talks like this has been her dream job.

"This job has been my dream since I was a child! Stop acting like it's yours! Just because things at home aren't all perfect doesn't mean you can act out like this!" I shout clenching my fists at my sides.

"You don't know what my dream job is," She growls back.

"Ever since you were nine all you ever wanted to be was a teacher. Don't you tell me I don't know stuff that I do know because I listened to you talk about it for hours!"

"Milly, calm down," Roman whispers to me.

"No! Roman you don't understand how hard I've worked to be here and now my sister literally got the job handed to her because of me!" I run off down the corridor out of the building. I lean against the building and take a couple deep breathes to calm myself down.

Why in the hell would Nellie ever accept to work in WWE? She has no wrestling experience, she's not even interested in WWE at all, and she has been taking college classes in high school to get a head start on her way to becoming a teacher. Looking down at the ground I see a figure come out of the door and lean against the wall beside me.

"I thought you would be happy that I'm working here. I thought it would be great because we get to be in a feud together and we will be on the road together all the time," Nellie's voice is barely audible letting me know she's upset.

"First I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you in there," I start off turning towards Nellie. "I'm just frustrated that you accepted to work here. You don't have any interest in WWE. Do you even know who the champion was when I won my championship when I first came to WWE?" I ask to try and prove my point. She frowns looking down at the ground letting me know my point has been proven. "I have a passion for wrestling and I love this company. I always despised people who got into this company because one of their parents or family members was a former wrestler. I knew I never had to worry about any of my family coming here unless they are my kids since none of you guys are interested in wrestling at all. Don't take me wrong I'm ecstatic that you're here, I just wish it was because you spent ten years training hard to get here and not because you got the job handed to you,"

"I'm sorry you feel that way. I guess I was being selfish-"

"No you weren't," I cut her off. "I love you Nellie an I'm so happy that you're here! You weren't being selfish you were thinking about both of us. It just so happened I'm not as excited about this as you are,"

"You probably shouldn't say you're not made at me yet," She looks down at the floor while biting her lip. I can tell she's scared to tell me what she says I'm gonna be mad at her for.

"Just tell me. I doubt I could be that mad about it," I try to push her to tell me. Waiting in suspicion is driving me crazy.

"Seth and I are a couple," She mumbles but I know what she said. Instead of trying to say something I run back into the building to find Seth. I hear Nellie calling after me but I ignore her.

"Where in the hell is Seth!" I shout barging into the superstars locker room.

"I'm right here now what do you-" He cuts off as soon as he sees me face.

"What the hell is wrong with you? She's fucking eighteen! Ten years younger than you you asshole! I swear if you ever, EVER do what you did to me, you won't be alive to see your title get taken away from you!" With that I turn on my heel and walk out running straight into Dean.

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go,"

"What about your sister? Does she need a ride?"

"No, she can get one from Seth. Her boyfriend," Dean widens his eyes. "I'm sorry about that Mills," I don't say anything. Instead I wrap my arm around his and walk to the car.
Here's some advice for you lunatics, never ever try to be mature! It gets you stuck in a situation you don't want to be in. Anyways I hope you like this chapter and please comment and vote! Next chapter will be posted Monday!!

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