Chapter 25: Trust

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I wake up in a very uncomfortable position. My neck aches along with my back. I stretch and crack my back realizing I'm on the couch. The tv is still on and my book is on the floor.

"No!" I retrieve the book from the floor cradling it in my arms. The book is the second book in The Mortal Instruments series and I absolutely love it.

"What are you yelling about?" Dean's voice is deep and rough like it usually is in the mornings. Definitely a turn on.

"I dropped my book. I think I may have fallen asleep reading it," A little confused I put the book down and go to the kitchen to make some coffee, "How did I have a blanket on me?"

"I walked in the hotel room and you were asleep. I didn't want to wake you so I put a blanket on you to keep you from getting cold,"

"Even when you're mad at me you care about me," I joke but Dean doesn't smile. He doesn't show any emotion. Shit.

"I can't forget what you blurted out in front of everyone in catering! I didn't want anyone knowing you lost your virginity to Seth and not me!" Dean's voice can probably be heard all over the hotel. My anger rises making my blood boil.

"It's not like I was your first! And everyone knows that! Before me you were a fucking man whore! How do you think I feel knowing I'm not the only one that's touched your dick? The past is the past and we can't do anything about it so let it go!" My throat hurts when I'm done ranting. I grab my coffee mug that has freshly brewed coffee in it and walk into the bedroom slamming the door shut.

I grab my phone and send out a group message to Paige and Becky. We need to meet up and talk about Nellie siding with us and turning against The Authority. They both agree to meet up with me but I didn't tell them why. I just told them to meet me at the café down the street.

My outfit shows a little more skin than usual. But that's because Dean is pissed at me for something that he can't change. My black crop top that has This Is My House stops right above my belly button and my shorts are little shorter than usual. They're definitely making my butt look irresistible though.

"Where the hell are you going looking like that?" Dean roars from behind me.

"Café down the street. I'm meeting Paige and Becky to talk about some things for work," I simply say while finishing my makeup. I look myself over in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom right past Dean.

"There's no way in hell you're going out like that!" His voice booms throughout the suite. Who in the hell does he think he is?

"Watch me!" I shout back then slam the door shit behind me. I hear something shatter soon after. Wonderful.


"What's up, Mills?" Paige asks when I sit down. I look between her and Becky taking a deep breath. Who knows how they could react to what I'm about to tell them.

"I talked to Nellie after what happened last night,"

"And?" Becky says.

"She wants to turn on The Authority. I'm not saying I'm gonna let her join The Shield or our group. She just asked me to help her turn on The Authority. She doesn't want to do it alone," Neither of them say anything. They glance back forth between me and each other.

"Why should we trust her?" Paige asks.

"Yeah, I mean, she could be faking all of this for all we know," Becky adds. The waiter comes and takes our orders. When he leaves they wait for my answer.

"I don't think she's faking anything. I think she truly wants to turn on The Authority. I think we should trust her,"

"And if something bad comes out of it?"

"I'll take the blame and fix whatever happens,"

"What if it's unfixable?" Paige says making a good point.

"I don't know,"
Hey lunatics! Sorry about the short chapter. I forgot I had to update today and tomorrow. It'll probably be another short one tomorrow though. I hope you guys like this chapter even though it sucks.

Do you guys think Roman will retain his championship tonight at the Royal Rumble? Will Dean retain his championship against Kevin Owens? I hope! Comment what ya think.

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