Chapter 19: Tables Ladders and Chairs

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Kickoff is about to start. Paige and I are with Becky waiting for her music to sound since she has a match against Sasha Banks. This should be interesting since we haven't had any commotion with Team BAD...yet.

Becky's music blares throughout the arena and we head out to the ring. I love her music and the smoke that pours onto the ramp.

We get down to the ring and wait for Team BAD to come. Soon enough the match starts.

The match goes by pretty slowly since there's a lot of going back and forth. Becky gets Sasha in her signature move. Tamina climbs onto the side of the ring distracting the ref. I go over and pull her foot out from under her causing her to fall and hit her head on the ring.

The bell rings and I look up to see Becky's hand being held up in victory. Paige and I climb in the ring to celebrate her victory.

"Nice win, Beck!" Wade Barret congratulates her after we come back backstage.

"Oh, uh, thanks Wade," She stutters back. Paige and I give each other a look then leave Becky and Wade to talk.

"They totally have something going on," Paige says.

"It's obvious!"

"Anyways, are you ready for your match tonight?" She asks stopping us in the corridor.

"Definitely. Nellie hasn't wrestled one single match here in the WWE yet. She doesn't deserve this,"

"Become part of The Authority big sister! Then you can get what ever you want when ever you want," I turn around to Nellie, Charlotte, and Lilly.


"I actually wanna show people that I deserve to be divas champion. Instead of cheating my way to the top. It's a much better feeling knowing all the work you put towards something has paid off. But you wouldn't know that now would you?" I sneer and Paige erupts into laughter.

"We'll see who deserves that championship. See you in five out in the ring big sister," Nellie sneers back. I have the urge to slam her head against the wall.

When did my little sister become so hostile towards me? What did I ever do to her? Oh wait! It was probably Seth. I keep forgetting they're dating.


"I want you and Becky out there on ringside along with Dean and Roman," I interrupt Paige.

"Alright. Let's hurry and find the others then,"

We find everyone than go to the stairs waiting for our music to blare.

"This match is set for one fall! Introducing your challenger, Nellie! Accompanying her to the ring is Charlotte and Lilly!" They make they're way to the ring. The urge to show Nellie what she's getting herself into increases with each passing second. "And your divas champion, Milly! Accompanying her to the ring is Paige, Becky Lynch, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose!"

Our music sounds and we make our way to the ring.

"You got this babe," Dean whispers in my ear. I nod then climb into the ring handing the ref my title. I intend on having it handed back to me. No matter what.

The bell rings and we lock up. I push her away and she falls back into the turnbuckle. I'm a lot smaller than she is yet I'm still stronger. Who says the tiny can't be mighty?

I run my knee into her face keeping it there till the ref counts to four. I grab her pushing her into the ropes then clothes line her when she bounces back towards me. There's so much force she does a full flip before landing on the ring floor. 

"You think you deserve my title? Look at you! You can barely get up after being hit with only two moves!" I shout in her face. She stands up and I send her back to the floor with a drop kick.

I wrap my arm around her neck and pull her to her feet then deliver the Running Bulldog. I set Nellie up and climb onto the top rope. The crowd starts to roar knowing what I'm about to deliver. Just as I'm about to jump someone knocks me down from behind.

I fall landing on the ring floor pretty hard. My head starts to spin and everything becomes fuzzy. I faintly hear commotion but it ends within minutes. I feel Nellie pin me but I kick out at one. She screams in frustration.

So that was their strategy to make me lose? Pathetic.

"Upset your strategy didn't work little sister? You're gonna have to do way better than that," I see the anger in her eyes flare up.

We both stand up and charge each other. She knocks me down then continues to stomp on my rib cage till the ref backs her up. She pulls me up throwing me into the turnbuckle. She charges me and I jump up kicking her in the face.

Once again I climb onto the top rope. The crowd roars and at the right time I jump delivering the Weeping Willow.

"1...2...3!" The crowd erupts in cheers as the ref hands me back my title.

"Your winner and still your divas champion, Milly!" Lillian announces.

Dean, Roman, Paige, and Becky get into the ring lifting me into the air. I hoist my title into the air smiling wide. Nellie, Charlotte, and Lilly glare at me as they walk back up the ramp.

"Over confident in yourself weren't ya?" I say to Nellie. She rolls her eyes and walks off.

Roman and I accompany Dean to the ring for his title match against Kevin Owens. The match is full of violence and I begin to grow worried for Dean.

Dean delivers the Dirty Deeds and pins Owens. Owens barely gets one finger on the rope in time to cause the pin to be broken up.

The match has grown to be very intense and I find myself chewing on my finger nails. A bad habit I've had since I can remember. Whenever I become nervous I start to chew on my finger nails.

I hadn't realized I zoned out until the ringing of the bell brings me back to reality. I hastily look up to see the ref handing Dean the title. I climb into the ring and hug Dean.

"You deserve this, Dean," I tell him and he smiles down at me. As soon as our lips touch the crowd goes crazy even though everyone already knows we are together.

Tonight has been a good night.
Here's another chapter, lunatics! It's longer this time too! Who else is happy the Dean is the Intercontinental Champion? I am!!! I hope you like this chapter. Please comment and vote! Love ya, lunatics!

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