Chapter 46: Kiss My A**

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Milly's POV:
Today's the day where I beat the shit out of Sasha Banks. She's been a little bitch to me all week and I'm sick of it. First it started with death glares, then it turned into shoving her shoulders into me in the corridors, and now she's interrupting my matches left and right. I've had a match at a live event every day the past week and I've lost almost all of them because of her. The only one I didn't lose was against Alicia Fox. It's hard to believe she was the champion at one point. Compared to me she'll never be champion material ever again.

"Don't physically hurt her." Dean whispers in my ear as I glare at the back of Sasha's head in catering. Paige and Becky are sitting across from us and Dean has his arm wrapped around my shoulders. Sasha and I's match is the main event for the show tonight. Which means I have to wait another two hours before getting my hands on her purple, pink bitchy ass face.

"No fucking promises." I growl back. I hear Dean sigh next to me and look up at him, "I'm sorry. I just can't stand her. She's had the guts to make the past week of my life a living hell. Tonight I'm going to show her who's the better between the two of us."

"Looks like Eva and Tamina are starting off the show." I follow Becky's eyes to the monitor on the wall beside us.

Tamina is waiting in the ring for Eva to make her grand entrance. I find it really dumb how her entrance is so long. Just get down to the ring and begin the match. We don't need a five minute introduction for one superstar the crowd hates.

Once the bell rings Eva immediately goes after Tamina. Surprisingly, Eva is able to sweep Tamina off her feet by delivering a kick to the face. Next, she does a move off the ropes. I have no clue what it's called but when Eva connects to Tamina's leg, Tamina screams in pain.

The ref backs Eva into the corner then checks on Tamina. He motions for the bell to end the match. He then motions for the paramedics to come out.

"Looks like Eva is still keeping up the tradition of hurting wrestlers in the ring." Paige is shaking her head. No one wants to wrestle her anymore because they're afraid of getting injured. Getting injured is a wrestler's worst nightmare because then it could be months before you step into the ring again.

It's announced that Eva will be moving onto round two due to Tamina being injured. To be honest I think it's complete shit Eva gets to move on. She should be disqualified for injuring her opponent.

"Shouldn't she be disqualified for injuring Tamina?" Becky asks us.

"I think she should be. It's shit they're going to let her continue to the next round." I say and the three of them agree with me.

Most of the matches tonight are going to involve the women's division. Only two matches including the guys are scheduled for the show. Which is pretty awesome if you ask me. Within the past year so much has changed. The women's division is finally getting the push we have needed for several years.

The rest of the women's matches end pretty quickly. Charlotte wins against Nikki Bella, Brie Bella wins against Natalya, Paige ends up winning against Naomi, and Becky wins against Bayley.

"Now it's your turn kid." Paige winks at me as I stand up from the table.

"Yeah, you'll do great babe." Dean winks at me also then stands up and gives me a quick kiss.

"Go beat her ass!" Becky slaps my butt as I walk away from the table. I stop holding my butt and turn around to give her a weird look. That only causes the three of them to start laughing.

Sasha is at the gorilla when I walk up. Stephanie is also there telling her the game plan for this match. Why can't she just let us handle it instead of deciding who the winner is going to be before we even go out to the ring? I don't get it one bit.

"Now girls don't mess this match up. Remember that once it nears the twenty minute mark, Sasha you'll put Milly in the Bank Statement and then Milly you will tap out. Got it?" Sasha and I both nod. Stephanie smiles and leaves us. Sasha and I don't even try to make small talk before her music hits. I mean, what's the point? We both hate each other.

Her music hits and she makes her way to the ring. She gets lots of cheers from the crowd but they aren't that loud. Once she's settled in the ring I wait for my music to hit.

"You think she's ready for this?" I turn around and see Roman and Dean talking to each other. They're both in The Shield uniforms and a wide smile spreads across my face.

"Oh, I think she's ready." Dean says, then they both look at me smiling.

"It's been forever since we went out together. Shall we hurry over to the stairs?" I suggest earning a nod from each of them.

Lima...Delta...The Shield

The three of us start to walk down the stairs. By the sound of the crowd I don't think they were expecting The Shield to come down together. They were probably just expecting myself to come down the ramp.

Sasha is livid when we make it to the ring. She starts to rant to the ref how it's not fair that I have Dean and Roman in my corner while she has no one in hers. By the end of the match, that's not what she will be complaining about.

The ref signals for the bell and the match starts. Like always we lock up and I get pushed back due to my height. Sasha is only three inches taller than me but she still has an advantage.

I lunge at her but she catches me with a clothesline. I bounce right back up but she delivers another clothesline sending me right back down to the ring floor.

Sasha grabs me by my hair and throws me into the turnbuckle. I turn myself around and lean against it then start to pull my self up. She runs at me from the opposite side of then ring kicking me in the stomach.

I roll out of the ring to catch my breath. If I want any chance at winning this match I need a game plan. Sasha has already used up more energy than I have. I'll just wait a little longer before hitting her with a move that she won't be able to recover from.

At the count of eight I throw myself back into the ring. Doesn't surprise me Sasha was gonna let herself win by a count out.

We go back and forth for a while and I can start to tell she's running out of energy. Her moves are becoming slower and more clumsy. That's the signal for me to act.

First I deliver a drop kick sending her to the ground. I patiently wait for her to stand back up. That's when I deliver the Superman Punch. The crowd roars as she goes down and I pin her for the win.

"You're winner and moving on to round two, Milly!" The ring announcer exclaims into the microphone. The crowd continues to roar as Dean and Roman celebrate my win with me.

"That punch was perfect, Mills! I can tell you've been practicing." Roman gives me a high five. Dean comes and spins me around in a circle then plants a small kiss on my forehead.

Breaking news for Hunter and Stephanie: KISS MY ASS!
Hey lunatics! This book is coming to a close and I just can't wait to start the third and final book of Milly and Dean's long journey! I hope you guys are excited for it too. I hope you guys just love this chapter! Please leave a comment and don't forget to vote. Also, don't forget to watch Wrestlemania 33! I'll be posting results of matches all night!

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