Chapter 28: 28 Stitches

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The paramedics wouldn't let me ride in the ambulance with Dean so Paige is driving me to the hospital. She said I was in no condition to drive and quite frankly, I agree with her. I haven't been able to stop crying. I can't stop thinking of how he looked. Lifeless with blood surrounding his head. What if he can't wrestle anymore?

"We're here, babe," We walk into the emergency room and up to the front desk.

"Dean Ambrose," I say and the middle aged woman looks at me like I've annoyed her.

"Who are you to him?"

"His fucking fiancé! Now is he alright or not?" I shout causing everyone in the room to look. Okay, maybe I overreacted just a little bit.

"Please keep your voice down and watch your tone. He's in surgery. Now if you just give me your phone number and name we can contact you when he's out,"

"I'm staying here till he's out. How long will he be in surgery?"

"The surgeons don't know," I nod and give the lady my information.

"You don't have to stay here with me, Paige," I tell her as I sit down in a chair. She sits down beside me resting her hand on my thigh.

"I need to be here for you. I couldn't imagine what must be going through your head right now,"

"Lots of possibilities. I mean, what if he ends up in a coma?" I start to freak out once again. I can feel myself start to shake from a mixture of being scared and worried. It seems like all of the worst possibilities are running through my mind.

"I'm sure he's going to be all right. Now, is there something important that you need to tell me?" She asks, making me confused.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"You called Dean your fiancé. I didn't know you guys got engaged," I can tell she's a little upset.

"We aren't engaged. I guess the word just kind of slipped,"

"Have you thought about marrying Dean in the future?" I've never thought about marrying Dean. I've been so focused on our storyline's in the WWE that I don't think Dean has even thought about it either.

"Honestly, no I haven't. I've been so focused on work throughout our whole relationship. I don't think Dean has  thought about it either,"

"Do you want to marry him?"

"Of course! I'm in love with him. I would take a bullet for Dean," She smiles and looks down at the ground.

"Good. I'm glad you're happy,"

"Thanks, Paige," My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out.

On my way! Had a match.

That's fine. See ya.

"Becky is on her way,"

"Okay. I'm going to go get some food and a coffee. Do you want anything?"

"Coffee, please," Paige takes off and I look around be waiting area. There's not many people here at all. I guess not a lot of people get injured on Sundays.


It's been over five hours. Becky and Paige have been here with me helping me through it. I keep going up to the desk to see if there's any information on Dean but there never is.

"Milly Ambrose," I immediately stand up and walk over to the doctor, not giving a thought about him saying my last name is Ambrose. I never told the lady at the front desk my last name so she must have went ahead and put that down for my last name. I don't mind one bit though.

"That's me. Is Dean okay?"

"He's going to be fine. A piece of metal broke off and sliced his head open and stayed in his head. We had to take him into surgery to remove it safely and make sure no wood or any more metal was in his head. We gave him 28 stitches, he has a minor concussion but that should be gone in two weeks. For those two weeks I want him to stay off his phone and no tv. If you like I can take you to his room," I nod and the doctor does what he says.

"Where's Milly?" I hear Dean mumble when the doctor walks through the door. I walk in after him causing a smile to appear on Dean's face.

"Hey, babe," I sit down in the chair beside the bed, taking his hand in mine.

"My head hurts," He groans, making me smile even wider.

"Well, you do have a concussion. Now, you can leave whenever you're ready. Just sign out at the front desk," The doctor leaves and Dean sits up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

"Fuck," He groans while grabbing his head, "I hate concussions so much,"

"I know. Let's get to the hotel room. We can cuddle if you want," He looks at me grinning.

"That sounds lovely. I would do more than cuddling but I don't think my head could take your loud mouth," He winks standing up slowly. I can feel my facing heating up in embarrassment. I'm glad no one was in the room to hear his remark.

"I'd slap the back of your head but I can't so this time your off the hook," I glare at him while he grins at me. Honestly, I don't know what I would do without him. He's my whole world.

"You know, it's seems like all we've been doing the past couple months is going in and out of hospitals," Dean mentions.

"It does. I guess we are just so crazy we keep getting hurt,"

"Guess so," He holds my hand in his as we walk to the front desk. Once he's signed out we make our way to the car. I have to drive since Dean has a concussion. I don't think he would be able to focus very well.

"There is no good music on the radio," Dean groans out of frustration. He turns the radio off and silence takes over. I can help but think about how wonderful my life is right now. I have a wonderful boyfriend, I'm the divas champion, I'm part of the two strongest tag teams in the company, it couldn't get better than this. I have a feeling that a storm is brewing a few miles off though.
34 Days Till Wrestlemania!!! I can't wait! Ohio is seriously bipolar. It's been warm the past few days and now we are suppose to get a snow storm tomorrow night. Why can't Ohio just pick one season at a time? Do any of my lunatics live in Ohio? If so leave a comment saying that you do! I hope you like this chapter lunatics! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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