Chapter 17: The Bitch Is Back

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Happy Birthday Dean Ambrose!!!!!!!

"What are you two doing here?" Nellie asks.

"Wait, you're not teaming with them?" Paige asks.

"I'm teaming up with Charlotte but not Becky," Nellie explains. They get into the ring and Charlotte stands beside Nellie while Becky comes up to Paige and I.

"I tried to stop Charlotte telling her how stupid she would be if she teamed up with Nellie to go against you guys. Since she obviously ignored me I want us three to be a team again. A family like we once were. I know I shouldn't be trusting you guys but I am and asking you guys to put the past behind. What do you say?" Paige and I look at each other then back at Becky than back at each other. Paige gives me a slight nod and I do the same.

"We will always be family no matter what," I say hugging Becky.

"Enough of that pathetic crap!" Nellie snarls. "If you guys have three members then we need another member," Nellie looks at Charlotte and she nods. They both get evil smirks on their faces before Nellie continues. "Well then, whoever is willing to be our third member come on out!"

It's all about me...

My mouth drops wide open. The girl that tried to keep me and Dean apart is back. I'm already worried Dean is cheating with Renee, even though Roman says they aren't but now I gotta worry about this bitch since she is back. My worst enemy. The girl I hate with a passion.


Right when I think everything is okay again. Dean and I never fight anymore and have almost no complications. Her coming back is gonna make all that come back.

"Long time no see, Lilly," I say when she gets into the ring.

"Awe, no I missed you or welcome back or great to have you back?" She has a smirk on her face. She knows she's annoying the fuck out of me.

"You wish. You're a bitch!" I sneer at her. "All you wanted to do was keep me away from Dean! Well guess what? It didn't work! Dean and I are happily together and nothing will tear us apart!"

"Yeah, we'll see. Please show the video on the big screen," Lilly says and I look towards the screen. A video of her and Dean kissing from moments ago are playing. I feel my heart being ripped to pieces. There's no way he would have cheated on me with Lilly.

As soon as the video ends I jump on top of Lilly throwing punches left and right as Charlotte takes on Paige and Becky takes on my sister.

I punch her nose feeling it shatter. Refs are out trying to get us off of each other. I stand up and give her a kick to the gut making her groan in pain. Becky and Paige stand beside me while Nellie, Charlotte, and Lilly lay in defeat.

As soon as we get backstage I start shaking uncontrollably and holding back tears.

"Milly, I'm sure that video is fake," Paige and Becky try to comfort me but it doesn't work.

"How is that video fake? It's clearly Dean and Lilly making out!"

"Does Dean have the same clothes on as he did in that video?" Becky asks. Right then Dean walks up wearing the same exact clothes. The basterd cheated on me.

"Yes," I whisper and the tears start falling like Niagara Falls.

"Milly! I can explain!" Dean tries to pull me into a hug but I push him away.

"Then explain! Tell me you didn't kiss her on purpose! Tell me she kissed you and you didn't kiss back!" I shout not caring who can hear us.

"She kissed me! I was stunned and that's why I didn't pull back right away!"

"It took you ten seconds to pull away? TEN SECONDS! And tell me about Renee! Why have I seen messages saying see you tonight pop up on your phone?"

"Can we talk about this in private?" His voice is calm and gentle.

"Why? So you can tell me you've been cheating on me?" My voice is barely audible now. He sighs and picks me up taking us to an abandoned office.

"I haven't cheated on you at all, Milly. Renee was messaging me because she was helping me plan something very important for you. I want it to be a surprise so I've been sneaking around to make sure it's just right. And Lilly kissed me! I was wrapping my hands when suddenly I was turned and being kissed. I thought it was you but quickly realized it wasn't. I pushed her away and started screaming at her. It didn't take me ten seconds to pull away it took me three! They edited the damn video to make it longer! Milly, I love you too much to even think about any other girl. You are my world! You're always on my mind and the only time you're not is when I'm in the ring. I want us to be together for ever. I'm never letting you go,"

"I feel like such an idiot. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, Dean. I just got scared. Scared that I was gonna lose you. I love you too much to let you go either. Please forgive me?"

"I'll always forgive you baby," He pulls me into his arms and I automatically feel better. How could I have been so stupid? I should have known he would never hurt me.

"I can't believe she's back," I break the silence after a couple minutes.

"I thought she got fired. Guess she just took a break for a couple months. I'm sorry you have to deal with her again,"

"It's alright. It was probably Seth's idea to try and break The Shield apart. But it's not gonna work," Dean opens the door and we walk out into the corridor.

"Probably. You know how mad he is. He destroyed The Shield and wanted to keep it that way. He's not gonna let the new version stay alive without a fight no matter what the consequences are,"

"I totally agree,"


"Are you and Dean okay?" Paige asks. Paige had came over after the show a little while ago since Dean went out with Roman to get food.

"Yeah. Turns out Renee was helping him plan something important for me. With Lilly he didn't know it was even her and that he pulled away from her after three seconds, not ten. They had edited the video to make it longer. Things The Authority will do to try and destroy The Shield," I shake my head.

"I'm glad you guys are okay. What do you think about Lilly being back?"

"I want to fucking kill her and my sister. Nellie knows what happened between us when I first came to the main roster. She shouldn't have agreed to team up with Lilly. This feud isn't gonna turn out good at all,"

"It's gonna end with someone seriously injured and unable to wrestle for the rest of their lives,"

"You know it,"
Lilly is back!!!! Did you see that coming lunatics? Comment and tell me what you think of her being back! Also I'm editing Perfectly Insane so ignore the notifications for it unless you really wanna reread those chapters but they aren't being majorly changed. I hope you like that chapter. Please vote!

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