Chapter 27: Royal Rumble

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The Royal Rumble. The pay-per-view that starts the road to Wrestlemania. Like I've said before, Dean and Roman are in the Royal Rumble match. All of the superstars know what number they come in. No one knows who the last superstar to enter the ring is though. Some people think it's Daniel Bryan while others think it's Sting making his return.

Honestly, I hope it's Daniel Bryan. It's been weird without him here. I miss him making the whole table laugh or his funny comments on the match that we would be watching.

"Do you have a match tonight?" Dean asks me as he shoves his gear into his bag.

"No, I'm having my title match on RAW,"

"Against who?"

"Charlotte I'm pretty sure,"

"I don't really care for her,"

"Neither do I,"


Dean and I grab our bags from the trunk and walk inside the arena. Producers are everywhere trying to make everything perfect for tonight while the superstars and divas are pretty calm. For now.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Dean. He looks like he's deep in thought about something.

"Yeah. Two matches in one night is gonna be tough. Especially since they're two big ones for me,"

"You'll do fine. I know it," He goes into the superstars locker room and I go into the divas locker room.

"Hey, Milly!" Nattie is sitting on the bench looking at her phone. Honestly, I freaking love Nattie! She's so sweet, kind, and caring towards others.

"Hey, Nattie! How are the cats?" I ask while I put my gear on.

"They're doing great! They're keeping TJ company at home while he watches reruns of WWE events,"

"I hope he can come back soon," I plug in the curling iron deciding to do my own hair and makeup for tonight. While that's heating up I continue to talk to Nattie and put on my makeup. I put on glittery black eye shadow, regular black mascara, and a couple black gems by my eye. Having gems by your eyes seems to be the next big thing in the divas division.

After my hair is curled I finish my conversation with Nattie and head to the curtain. Becky has a match with Charlotte so Paige and I are going to accompany her.

Nellie went and talked with Stephanie and Hunter earlier and worked out a plan for her to make her departure from the WWE. They completely understood that she felt like wrestling wasn't for her. She's only sixteen and has got her whole life ahead of her.

Like I said before, Stephanie and Hunter are really nice and understanding off air. But once we are on air everyone stays in character no matter where you're at. It's an unwritten rule in the WWE.

"You ready for your match?" I ask her when I reach her and Paige.

"Definitely. I wanna show Charlotte I can beat her no matter who's at ringside for her. Whether it's her dad, Ric, or her whole family, I'll still work my ass off and do whatever I can to take that title away from her," Right then Becky's music blares and we make our way to the ring. Charlotte's music fills the arena. She comes out followed by her father, Ric Flair, Nellie, and Lilly. Just the sight of Lilly makes me want to severely injure her every way possible. Is that too harsh?

Charlotte gets into the ring so Paige and I get out. The ref motions for the bell to ring and the match begins. They lock up but Charlotte pushed Becky off making her land on her butt. Before Becky can get back up Charlotte kicks her in the side.

"Come on, Becky!" I shout. Paige turns to the crowd chanting, "Becky!" and soon, Becky's name being chanted is all you can hear.

Becky takes over the match sending Charlotte over the top rope. Becky gets out of the ring to get Charlotte but Nellie and Lilly surround her. Paige and I come up from behind taking them both out. I attack Lilly while Paige gets my sister. I punch Lilly over and over then get up and kick her in the side hard. She wraps her arms around herself groaning in pain. I smile in pleasure and walk back over to Becky's side of the ring.

Becky puts Charlotte in her signature submission move. Seconds later she taps out and the bell is ringing. Charlotte rolls out of the ring while Paige and I celebrate with Becky. This is definitely just the start of the war between Charlotte and Becky.

"Congratulations, Becky! You did great," Dean says when we come backstage. He's wrapping his hands and I grab the tape taking over. He smiles at me and I smile back down at him.

"Thanks, Ambrose! Good luck against Owens," She walks off into catering with Paige, leaving Dean and I alone once again.

"I'm going to be at ringside for you out there," I tell him causing him to sigh.

"No, Milly. I don't want you or Roman out there. This match is one of the most dangerous matches there are in the company. I wouldn't forgive myself if you or Roman got hurt,"


"No buts. Please, stay in catering with Becky and Paige,"

"Alright," I sigh. He stands up giving me a quick kiss then heads to the curtain. I walk into catering and grab me a small bowl of blueberries then sit with Becky and Paige by the tv. Kevin is already out there and Dean is making his entrance. I'm worried sick about him.

"He'll be fine, Milly. Dean knows what to expect with Kevin," Paige rubs my shoulder. The bell rings and the match starts. They lock up and Kevin is able to push Dean away. Kevin charges at Dean but gets caught in a clothesline sending him to the ground. Dean has the upper hand through out most of the match. They've both been through multiple tables but you wouldn't even know it.

Suddenly Kevin catches Dean off guard with his signature move, Pop-up Power Bomb. While Dean recovers, Kevin sets up three tables on top of each other. Kevin is able to get Dean up on his shoulders and climbs to the top rope. Kevin sends Dean through the tables and my heart drops.

"He's okay," I whisper to myself but my worst fear happens. Dean doesn't move one bit. His eyes are closed and no sign of life is coming out of him. As the camera does a close up on him a pool of blood around his head is visible.

"Oh my god!" I shout and run out to Dean. They have stopped the match and several paramedics are surrounding him. I push through them getting to Dean, "Come on, Dean! Wake up, please wake up!" Tears are streaming down my face.

Everyone in the arena is silent. There's not a single sound except for the paramedics talking to each other. My mind is racing with endless possibilities of what could happen. I knew I should have come out here for this match. I would have been able to stop Kevin of I was out here.

Paige and Becky are by my side suddenly. They pull me away from Dean as the paramedics get him on a stretcher.

This is all my fault.
Hey, lunatics! So Fastlane is literally two hours from where I live. It's killing being so close yet so far away from my favorite superstars and divas! Also, I updated! Yay! So what do you guys think happened to Dean? Do you expect him to get injured? Please vote and comment about the chapter! Like always, I love hearing your thoughts!

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