Chapter 45: That One Piece of Jewelry

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"You're so clueless darling." Paige sighs as she finishes curling her hair.

"What am I being clueless about? Dean was acting strange last night." Want to know the reply I get? A glare. Yes, a freaking glare.

"He was gonna propose stupid! He must have forgotten the ring at the hotel before your date. Why else would he have taken you to the beach and rummaged through all of his pockets?" She's now concentrating on her eyeliner making a perfect wing from her eyelid. Paige then pokes me in the face with the liquid eyeliner brush leaving a streak of black going down my cheek.

"What was that for?"

"He was gonna propose to you, you freaking idiot! Do I have to say it a third time?" She yells at me. I think for a second and a light bulb goes off in my head. It all makes sense now. The perfect dinner date, the walk on the beach, the lovey dovey shit he was saying to me, the rummaging in his pockets. He was going to propose but couldn't find the ring. Paige is actually right.

Classical Dean, not being able to find the ring.

"Oh my." I whisper. I didn't mean for the words to come out as a whisper. I actually didn't mean for them to come out at all. But they did and now Paige is looking at me with a weird look on her face.

"You don't want to get married. Don't you?" She slowly puts the eyeliner away. I refuse to look away from my reflection in the mirror. I've never wanted to get married. I always thought that I'd focus on my wrestling career and not worry about bringing a guy into my life. That didn't go as planned, obviously.

"I don't know. I always planned on focusing on my wrestling career. I never thought a guy would come into my life long enough to make marriage a possibility. I guess the thought of marriage scares me."

"You can be with Dean and not have to be married to him. Lots of people do that."

"Dean isn't the type of guy to get married. So if he wants to get married than that's a big deal an it'll hurt him a lot if I say no. If he even proposes." I'm now looking at the floor while twiddling my thumbs. I can feel my anxiety levels skyrocketing. Marriage is a huge ass commitment. It means you'll do anything for your significant other no matter what the conditions are. You'll love them unconditionally and spend the rest of you're entire life with them.

Then there's a thing called divorce. Where loved ones grow apart from each other and fall out of love. They spend less and less time together not even trying to make time for each other. Or all you do is constantly argue and disagree with each other which causes a significant problem between you two. Divorce scares me even more than marriage does.

"Divorce. I don't want to be one of those people that end up getting a divorce, Paige. I wouldn't be able to handle it."

"Woah, woah, woah, don't even think about that! You and Dean are the power couple. There's no way you guys would get a divorce if you ended up getting married. You're banned from thinking about that, got it?" She gives me a serious look with her finger pointing at me.


"Yes, banned."

Dean's POV:
"What do you mean you lost the ring?" Roman questions, taking another drink of his beer.

"Are you deaf? I mean I lost the god damn fucking ring! I was gonna propose to her and the ring was gone!" Who does he think he is doubting me? Yes, I might be a little crazy but I wouldn't lose or misplace something as valuable as a ring. Especially the ring I want to put on my girls finger.

I've never been the type of person to want to get married. Hell, I never thought of ever getting marriage. The idea used to make me sick to my stomach. But Milly changed that. Milly changed a lot of things in my life. I used to be some lunatic badass. Now I'm some love sick puppy that follows Milly around all over the place.

"Damn, I forgot how mean you are when you drink." Roman mumbles, I roll my eyes and take another long drink of my beer. There's no place I haven't looked for that damn ring. Maybe I never actually bought the ring. It could have been just a dream.

Of course it' wasn't a fucking dream you idiot! You've got the freaking receipt.

Shit, that's right. I kept the receipt incase Milly didn't like it so I would be able to take her to the jewelry place to get her a ring she would actually like. Why did I have to lose the that one piece of jewelry that actually meant something to me.

"Did your dumbass check around he driver's seat in your car? It could have fallen out there." Roman gives me a bored look. It's good to know that my problems bore him.

"Son of a bitch!" I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my entire life. Not in the ring, not when I workout, and not even that time I was being chased by the cops because I may or may not have stolen a bag of candy from a convenient store when I was thirteen. Let's just say I ran very fucking fast to my car once I realized it's the only place I haven't looked for that damn ring.

I'm in such a hurry I almost break the fucking car keys trying to unlock the driver's side door. As soon as I get it open though I look around the seat and sure enough I find the tiny box underneath it. My freaking luck.

"Look who was right once again." Roman chuckles to himself. Man, he's such a ditz when he drinks. Not always, like seventy-five percent of the time. Who am I to even talk? I'm completely drunk and I'm most likely not making any sense. I can barely even talk without slurring my words together.

Right now the only thing that matters is I found the damn ring. Not like I'm ever going to get the guts to 'almost' propose to Milly again. I could hardly think straight when we were on the beach together. She probably thought I was going crazy or something along the lines of that.

"Bar is closing in ten minutes gentleman." The bartender states while cleaning the counter in front of us. What bar closes at two in the morning? Wait...shit.

"I'm so dead." I groan and lean my head back which almost results in me falling out of the damn chair. Key word, almost.

"What's your problem now?"

"Milly is going to kill me. It's almost two in the morning and I'm still not back. I promised to be back at the hotel room by eleven."

"Can't you just text her?" Roman slurs together. I can hardly make out what he said but thirty seconds later I finally have.

"My phone died around ten. So no." I snatch his phone off the table and call us a cab. The hotel is only three blocks away but there's no way Roman and I could make it back this drunk.

"Shit!" Roman sits back in his chair like he just loss all his money in a game of poker.


"I don't want to deal with the mean headache I get after a night of drinking. It sucks ass." He starts to pout with his arms folded across his chest and his lower lip pushed out like a toddler.

"It's called a hangover Roman. And don't worry, you're not the only one who's gonna have to deal with one tomorrow."
Here ya go lunatics! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I particularly love drunk Roman. He always makes me laugh. My nerves are all over the place! I have OMEA contest for band tomorrow and I have to be up at 5:30am and ugh! It'll be a long day. Anyways, once again I hope you like the chapter! Feel free to comment and don't forget to vote!

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