Chapter 42: The List

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The crowd went insane. I looked around at everyone losing their shit. This is what the divas division has been wanting since before I came to the company. Now it's finally happening. I guess the WWE universe has been wanting this also.

"But that's not all!" Stephanie continues and the crowd immediately quiets down.

"What are you talking about?" This is the first thing I've said since all the other divas came out.

"I'm talking about Hell In A Cell." She smirks at us, "We will have the first ever women's Hell In A Cell match at Hell In A Cell! And the divas championship will be on the line." She shouts causing everyone to lose their shit...again. I would've too if I didn't have to stay in character.

"Who's going to be in that match, Stephanie?" Natalya questions.

"Several elimination matches will be taking place at Smackdown and RAW. The first round will determine who will go to the second round. The second round will determine who goes to the semi-finals then those three superstars will compete to see which two superstars will go to Hell In A Cell." Stephanie answers, ignoring Eva's protests.

"How is that last match going to work? You can't put three people in a match and expect two to win." Eva gives Stephanie an are-you-stupid look. Stephanie narrows her eyes at Eva and brings the mic to her lips.

"The first superstar to be eliminated will not compete in the Hell In A Cell match. Whoever wins that match will have a little advantage going into Hell In A Cell."

"But we still need one more person. There's only eleven of us here." Becky points out. The rest of us agree with her looking back at Stephanie for an answer. All she does is smile and averts her attention to the ramp.

Music blares through out the arena. The crowd goes bat shit crazy when they recognize who's music it is. I don't know whether to be excited or worried because now my chances going to Hell In A Cell and winning are even slimmer.

Bayley comes down the ramp hugging people along the way. She looks so happy and excited to be here. She comes into the ring and hugs Stephanie. Stephanie laughs and hugs her back.

"Ladies, I'm sure you know who this is. Bayley will be your twelfth person involved in this competition." With that Stephanie's music blares and she walks up the ramp. A couple of the ladies complain about Bayley while others don't give an opinion.

When we walk into catering the men clap and cheer for us. Some of the ladies blow kisses while others pump their fists in the air. I just stand their and smile.

"MILLY!" I turn around to Bayley. She engulfs me in a hug and I can't help but hug her back and laugh.

"Hi, Bayley!"

"You are my idol! I know that sounds cliché but it's true! I look up to you so much." A huge smile spreads across my face. I've had little girls and boys come up to me and say this but I've never had another wrestler say it to me.  It means a lot to hear it from a co-worker.

"Aw, Bayley! That means the world too me!" We hug again before going our separate ways.


The Hell In A Cell tournament starts next Monday on RAW. Right after our segment Stephanie told us she will have the matches for the first round posted in an hour. That was almost two hours ago. Paige, Dean, and I wait anxiously for the list. Well, Paige and I are anxious. Dean is playing a game called Exploding Kittens. Dean has his volume turned all the way up scaring the living shit out of Paige and I when a kitten explodes. The kitten screams sound more like a human being burned alive.

Looks like I'll be having nightmares tonight.

"DEAN!" Paige snaps after another kitten scream blares from his phone, "Either turn the fucking volume off or stop playing the damn game! I can't take anymore fucking kitten screaming!"

Dean's mouth falters and I watch as he looks back down at the game then up at Paige. He then looks at me as if to ask if he really has to listen to her.

"You're lucky she spoke up before I did because I was gonna break your phone instead of giving you a choice." I answer his unspoken question in a sweet tone. His eyebrows furrow together and he exits out of the game.

The three of us watch the main event as we continue to wait. I don't think I've waited this long for anything in my entire life. Okay, maybe I waited to go into a Fall Out Boy concert way longer than this but that's not the point. The point is Stephanie is taking forever to get the list of matches posted on the board.

"Do you think I'd get fired if I banged on the door an demanded Stephanie to post the list immediately?" I ask to no one in specific.

"Most likely." Dean says, while Paige just gives me a weird look.

Suddenly, the door to Stephanie's office opens and my heart skips a beat. I want to be up against Eva in the first round to knock her out of the tournament and earn that title opportunity.

Stephanie staples a piece of paper to the board then quickly walks away as twelve divas race to see the list of matches.

Round One
Milly vs Sasha Banks
Charlotte vs Nikki Bella
Brie Bella vs Natalya
Paige vs Naomi
Becky vs Bayley
Eva vs Tamina

Everyone eyes the person they're up against for the first round. I glance at Sasha to see her looking at me with disgust. Great. I haven't even talked to her and she already hates my guts.

"I kinda wish that Nikki and Brie were up against each other. That could make a sick storyline." Dean mentions as he scans the list.

"I think multiple storylines are going to result from this tournament." I say, snapping a picture of the list before tucking my phone in my back pocket.

Dean grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers together. I can't help but feel as if someone is staring me down as we leave the room. I leave RAW with an unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach.
The first chapter of the year 2017!!! How's your year going so far? Do you guys have any New Year resolutions you're hoping to achieve in 2017? If so, tell me! I'd love to know some and comment on your resolutions! Mine is to start eating better and lose weight.

I hope you guys love the chapter! Please vote and comment! Also, if you don't follow me please do so. My goal is to get to 500 followers by the end of January and I'm only 30 followers away from reaching it!!!! Till next time lunatics!

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