Chapter 15: Survivor Series

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Tonight is the night that I will become champion again. The crowds response to me beating Becky yesterday was awesome. It seems like they're mostly on my side.

"Are you ready to go?" Dean walks into the bathroom. "You've been staring at yourself in the mirror for five minutes,"

"Um, yeah," I am actually ready. I guess I got too caught up in my thoughts and didn't realize it.

I grab my duffel bag that has my ring gear, some hair stuff, make up, and whatever else I might need. We walk out to the rental and put our bags in the trunk then head off to the Performance Center. We had to bring all our stuff since we are going to train a little then eat then head to the arena Survivor Series is being held at right away.

We get to the place and not many other wrestlers are there. I look and see Neville working with Cesaro. Usually Seth would be here but since he is out for nine months he isn't. That's  main reason why Dean is in the tournament for the title.

"Let's go to that open ring over there," Dean points to the ring in the far right corner. I nod and we head over there.

"I'm gonna kick you ass!" I exclaim climbing into the ring.

"Yeah right! We need to stretch first though. Don't need to get injured before our matches tonight," He starts bending over and stretching out his legs. I can't help myself from looking at his butt. What? Girls like butts too!

To be evil I stretch right in front of Dean making sure to stick my butt out. I hear him groan as I stretch my legs out.

"Milly, do you really want me to fuck you in the bathroom here?" He groans. I can see his bulge growing. If anyone sees that would be very embarrassing for him.

"I'll go to the restroom real quick so you can calm down," I roll myself upwards pushing out my boobs to stand up causing Dean to groan again. A couple people look over and Dean turns around fast so they can't see he has a boner.

I walk off to the restroom taking my time so Dean can calm himself down. I readjust some bobby pins in my hair and make sure the small amount of make up I have on isn't smeared. It's been about ten minutes so hopefully Dean has calmed down.

I walk out and see Summer Rae has Dean trapped in the corner of the ring with her hand on his chest. He's backing his face away from hers trying to get away which makes me proud of him and assures me he would never cheat. But then again Summer isn't Renee. I know Roman told me he isn't cheating but I can't help it.

"You bitch!" I shout pulling Summer off of Dean and kicking her in the face making her drop to the floor. "Don't fucking touch my man you whore!" I kick her in the stomach again. She groans in pain and I smile pleasured that she's in pain. I then turn to Dean.

"I swear I didn't do anything! She came up to-"

"I know. I walked out and saw her on you," I assure him. His shoulders relax and his face softens. I turn back around to Summer.

"If I ever see you on my man again, I'll make sure you'll have to retire due to being injured! I can't believe I actually thought we were friends," She walks off holding her jaw.

"Now I'm gonna kick your ass in a match," Dean smirks.

"We will see about that,"


Right now I'm in catering watching Dean's match against Kevin Owens. I couldn't be at ringside for neither Dean nor Roman since I have a match tonight which is upsetting.

"Come on, babe!" I shout. Dean delivers the Dirty Deeds and pins Kevin for a three count picking up the win. "Yes!" I shout and jump up with my hands in the air.

Dean comes back and I jump up hugging him and he catches me spinning me around.

"I'm so happy for you, babe!" I exclaim into the crook of his neck.

"Thanks, Mills. Only now I gotta go against my brother," He looks a little upset.

"It'll be okay. You guys will be brothers no matter what. We brought back The Shield together. Nothing can tear you two apart," I assure him and he nods.

"Now it's time for you match,"

"It is," He puts me down and I straighten out my ring gear.

"You'll win," He pecks me on the lips and I walk to the curtain. Becky is already out there waiting for me with Charlotte.

"You ready?" Paige asks me as we wait.

"I think so,"

Sierra.. Hotel.. India.. Echo.. Lima.. Delta... The Shield

We walk down the stairs glaring at Becky and Charlotte. I fist pump people on the way down and successfully make it to the ring without falling down the stairs.

Becky hands the title to the ref and he holds it up in the air. I look at it determined to get it back. I should have it right now.

The bell rings and we lock up. She throws me off and I land on my butt against the turnbuckle. She charges towards me but I quickly roll out of the way at the last second and she plunges into the turnbuckle.

She turns around and I elbow her in the face till the ref makes me get off. I then knee her in the gut and deliver the Running Bulldog. I pin her for the win but she kicks out at two.

For a good portion of the match I'm in control. I'm not losing without a fight. Becky goes to do her signature on me but I counter and do AJ Lee's signature, the Black Widow. I know she's watching and it will make her happy. I miss her so much. She was my first best friend when I came to the main roster.

I feel Becky tap and the bell rings. I drop her realizing I am once again the divas champion. The ref hands me the title and I take it hoisting it up in the air. Paige hugs me and the crowd goes wild.

"I fucking told you!" Dean exclaims as I run over to him. He hugs me tight.

"I know you did, baby. Now you are going to go win your match," He smirks and walks off to go fight Roman for the WWE World Heavyweight title.

Dean sadly loses the match but before Roman can be champion for five minutes Sheamus cashes in and wins the championship from him. Tonight has been full of ups and downs.
Hey lunatics! Two chapters in two days like I told ya! So how upsetting was Sheamus becoming the champion last night? I was so mad! I feel so bad for Roman! He's worked so hard and got nothing out of it. So, if you liked the chapter please vote and comment!!

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