Chapter 40: Ass Smacking

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I took a long look at myself in the mirror. My hair is matted, makeup is all over my face, and my lip is split from falling in the shower hours ago. I know I'm extremely clumsy!

What kind of person had I turned into? One year ago I never would have even thought about laying a hand on my boss. Now, I didn't just lay a hand on her, I sent her to the hospital.

It's been a week since that happened. I haven't heard a single thing from Hunter or Stephanie. Paige has said she's back but hasn't made an appearance on air yet. Her face doesn't look too good either. Wouldn't surprise me if I lost my job over this.

At first, the whole WWE universe thought it was part of the story line. Just recently rumors are starting to spread that I got fired and that's the reason I haven't been on RAW or Smackdown.

"Your abs look more defined than before." I jump at Dean's voice. I shoot him a glare before throwing a red tank top on, "What was that look for?"

"I look like complete shit! I can't take the anxiety anymore. Why can't someone just call and let me know that I don't have a job at the WWE anymore?"

"You don't know that." Dean was furious with me at first but now he's been trying to assure me that I still have a job. Apparently the company can't afford to lose another diva due to money issues.

"Even if I'm not fired, there's no way I'm getting away with what happened. I'll be suspended at the least." Right then my cell phone starts to go off. Dean shoots me a dry look as "Phantom Of the Opera" plays.

"It's amazing so you can just bite me!" I flip him off before answering the phone. He returns it with a cute smirk plastered on his face.

"It's Hunter, Stephanie and I would like to have a meeting with you and Dean as soon as possible."

That's all that's said before Hunter hangs up. Doesn't really surprise me since that's what he does to everyone.

"The call?"

"The call. Better head in now."

As we drive to the arena my heart beats faster with each passing second. What if I do lose my job? Where would I go? UFC? I'd be the second CM Punk for the company if I did.

Dean takes my hand in his rubbing the back of it with his thumb. I love this company as much as he does. Even if the bosses don't like us that much. I have so many memories here with all my friends. All of them are definitely not happy ones but they're memories.

We arrive at the arena in roughly twenty minutes. Surprisingly, traffic wasn't too bad.

"Ready?" Dean asks as we unbuckle our seatbelts.


"Everything will be okay. No matter what happens." We step out of the car and Dean walks over to me. He kisses my forehead and for that moment it seems like everything will be alright.

We walk into the arena, greeting superstars and divas we see on our way to Stephanie and Hunter's office. A couple of them look a bit taken aback when they first see me but smile or wave anyways. I'd be surprised too if I saw a coworker suddenly after a week of not seeing them.

Dean and I stop right outside of the office. We give each other a look before I knock on the door. Hunter opens the door, shaking both of our hands before inviting us into the office.

My eyes widen a little once I see Stephanie. She has white tape going across her black, blue, and purple nose. The skin underneath her eyes is also dark letting me know I broke her nose. Her lip is split in two different places along with small cuts across her face. I forgot I was wearing a ring when I decided to attack her.

"You can probably guess why we wanted to see you two." Hunter starts, taking a quick glance over at his wife. I nod averting my eyes to the floor.

"Before anything else is said, I would like to say something," To my surprise, Stephanie stands up and takes a seat beside me with a look of sympathy in her eyes, "I'm sorry for how I've acted towards you the past couple months. I haven't been far towards you and most likely deserved what you did to me a week ago on RA-"

"But there are still going to be consequences." Hunter interrupts. Stephanie shoots him a glare that shuts him up right away before turning back to me.

"I'm not going to suspend you or anything like that. I completely deserved what you did too me. But, there's one thing I need you to consider before I can let you off the hook."

"Of course, anything!" At this point I'm just happy to still have a job in the WWE.

"A divas revolution."


"You're fucking lucky!" Paige shouts as we wait for her match.

"I think I made her open her eyes though. Well, as much as she can with all the swelling."

"You're a terrible person!" Paige and I laugh getting weird looks from the backstage workers.

"Don't you think I already know that?" I bump her hip with mine and she does it back to me.

"So, how have you and Dean been?"

"Pretty good. His new kink is slapping my ass whenever he sees me." As soon as the words leave my mouth my butt is being smacked. I let out a small yelp and turn around to see my jackass of a boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself! I haven't been able to grab it in bed lately." He sticks his bottom lip out knowing I can never be upset with him when he does that. It's my weakness.

"I can give you a lot more than just my ass tonight, babe." I say in a low, seductive voice adding a wink.

"THANK GOD!" Paige shouts as her music blares. I slap her butt as she turns to walk down the ramp. She gives a small squeal but quickly recovers as she walks through the curtains.
Yes, it's been almost two months since I last updated. As you all know I'm in marching band and that took up 75% of my time the past three months. School has taken up that other 25%. I feel awful for not updating in so long but I've had zero time to even catch a break.

Hopefully this chapter makes up for it! I feel like it's a really good chapter an even has some foreshadowing going on.   So, I really hope you guys like it. Please let me know in the comments! Also, don't forget to vote! If you haven't yet please follow me and go check out my other book Heal Me.

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