At The Airport

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Day: Sunday
Time: 6AM
Place: Airport

Right now we're waiting on the side while Tevin checks us in. The twins are listening to music on their iPods. RJ is sleeping on my lap and TJ is playing on Bre's phone.

Bre: "We look crazy traveling with all these kids."
Stina: (laughing) "I know right."
Toya: "It's worth it though. =)"
Bre: "Yeah. =)"
Alana: "Mommy, can't we just wear our tank tops."
Alisa: "It's hot in here."
RJ: (waking up slowly)
Toya: "No..It's best if you keep them on."
Alisa: "Daddy..?"
Alana: "What makes you think he'll say something different."
Us: (laughing)
Trey: "This lil girl.."
Alisa: (crossing her arms and pouting)
Jac: "Fix your face or no theme park."
Alisa: (fake smiling)
Jac: "I know you're faking but that's better." (fake smiling)
Alana: (laughing)
RJ: (coming off of my lap and uneasily walking over to Alana) "Lana!"
Alana: "Yeah?"
RJ: (slapping her lap)
Alana: (lifting him onto her lap)

She wrapped her arms around him so he could watch her play games on her iPod. I smiled at them and took a picture with my phone. Then some fans walked over to Que and I. Que rapped on two of my previous songs even though he still owns the company.

?: "Can I have your autographs?"
Toya: "Sure. =)"
?: (giving me a paper)
Toya: (signing it)
?: (pointing to Que) "You too."
Toya: (handing it to him)
Jac: (signing it) "=) Here you go." (giving her the paper)
?: "He is so fine."
?: "Forreal."
?: "Jacquees!"
Jac: "Yes..?"
?: "I wanna have yo baby!"
Toya: (standing up)
Bre: (mumbling) "Oh hell.."
Toya: "Back away from my man."
?: "Or else what?"
Bre: "Toya..You can't fight. It's bad for your image."
Toya: "I know. Charles!"

Charles is one of our security guards for the trip. He walked over and escorted the crazy fan away from us. "Thank the rest of you guys for all your support." I smiled at them and they were all grinning as they walked off.

I was gonna sit down in my original seat but Que pulled me down onto his lap and kissed my cheek.

Jac: "Well handled."
Toya: "Thank you. =)"
Tevin: (walking over) "Alright..Security check point time."
Us: "Ugh.."

POV: Jac's
Day: Sunday
Time: 7AM
Place: Airport

We just got through security and dang that was hectic. I think on the way back we should take the company plane. That'll be better. I'm holding the twins' and Toya is carrying RJ. He's awake but he's just looking around at everyone.

We finally found some space where the whole crew could sit so we sat down.

Issa: "Aight..I don't know bout you guys..But I'm gonna go get a taco."
Alana: "Daddy, can I go with Uncle Ray?"
Jac: "Yeah."

Alana jumped up and ran into Ray's arms. He picked her up and walked off towards the food court. Alana is spoiled by Tevin and Issa.

Bre: "I'm taking TJ to Burger King." (standing up, holding TJ's hand)
Trey: "I'm coming too."

They left leaving me, Toya, RJ, Lisa, Tevin and Stina.

Toya: "McDonald's?"

I nodded my head and agreed with her, "McDonald's." Toya, Lisa, RJ and I left Tevin and Stina to watch the seats. We headed over to the McDonald's line which wasn't that long. "What do you want Lisa?"

Lisa: "Sleep."

I laughed and picked her up. "I'll still get you something, okay?" She nodded her head then started to slowly fall asleep on my shoulder.

Toya: "What do you want? =)"
Jac: "Uhh..Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddle."
Toya: "Okay."

We ordered, paid for the food and went back where we were sitting. Alana was eating some type of breakfast taco while Issa had three of the same. I shook my head and sat down. As soon as I took the food out of the bag, Lisa woke up. I laughed, "Wanna eat?"

Lisa: (rubbing her eyes and nodding her head)

I gave her the food I ordered her and we all ate. As soon as Toya came back from throwing the bags in the garbage. Our flight was called. We got up, grabbed our things and walked towards the gate.

We were on those huge planes that have 3 seats in the middle and two on the sides. So Toya and I sat on one of the sides with RJ in her lap. Lana, Lisa and TJ in the middle. Trey and Bre on the other side. Issa, Tevin, and Stina behind the kids. Orlando, here we come.

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