Chapter 1: Lonely Girl

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I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face. Today was my last first day of school. I never liked the first day back. I just couldn't stand the kids at school. At least it was the last year of high school. I was ready to get out of here.

Don't get me wrong. I loved California, and all, but I was ready to leave. To leave America and go to school in London. That was always my dream. It was crazy that I was going to college in a completely different country. Most of the kids I know just go to a different state. I, however, wanted to go to London and become an actress and venture out. I mean, yea sure, I had Hollywood nearby. But I wanted to experience things on the other side of the world.

I was very much into the entertainment industry. I liked to play the guitar, write songs, act, read books, paint. All those artsy type of things. Part of me felt like I was meant to be famous, despite my shy personality.

I was interrupted from my train of thought by my neighbor. Harry Styles. He moved here with his family from the U.K. about a year and a half ago. We were both fifteen when he moved here. I knew very little about him. Only that we were the same age and he went to my school.

I got out of bed and took a shower. I had decided to wear a pink floral dress with simple white sandals. I left my hair to air-dry and later added a bit of mousse to tame my natural curls.

     After I got ready, I got a text from my boyfriend saying he was outside. I said goodbye to my parents as they wished me luck on my last first day of school. I walked out the door and was approached by a red mustang. A typical boy car.

I looked at my blue eyed blonde haired boyfriend in the driver's seat, who was giving Harry a death glare. I looked back at Harry, who's car was right next to my boyfriend's.

"Hi, Collin," Harry said waving his fingers and smiling mischievously, knowing Collin didn't like him much. Collin just looked away, and drove off.

There was a puddle in between the two cars, so Collin took advantage and got Harry's pants wet. As Collin sped off, I looked at Harry through the side mirror and saw him go back into his house.

"I love your hair today, you should do it like that more often," Collin said, twirling a strand of my brown hair.

"You got tanner too. I like my girls tan. I just wish you had blue eyes. But your brown ones will do," he added.

Sometimes I felt like his doll, but not in a good way. Like I was just some toy to him. He didn't like my brown eyes, but he loved everything else about me. I had grown self-conscience about them ever since I started dated him.


As we walked through the school to our lockers, all the popular girls gave me glares. Collin was the hunky football captain and they hated that an "ordinary" girl was dating their "god". Sometimes, I felt like a lonely girl in this crazy jungle we call high school. Then I remember my best friend Niall, he was the only one who made me feel like I fit in. Niall has been my friend since 3rd grade. He moved here from Ireland, but he still had his accent, which I loved.

"Hey, Niall!" I said, as Collin and I approached a blonde haired blue eyed boy.

As soon as I hugged Niall, Collin went off with his friends.

"Hey, Alannah. How was your summer? I've missed you," Niall said.

"It was good, same boring life. Haha. I went to the beach more often. I wish I could've gone with you to Ireland, though."

Another one of my friends approached us, Zayn. He was a badass. He was another person who made me feel like I fit in. We were a couple in 7th grade when he moved here from the U.K. I loved his dark features back then. Same brown hair and brown eyes as me, and his long lashes of course. We decided to be just friends, and have been ever since.

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