Chapter 8: This Seems Off...

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"Toby shut up!"

"Toby I'm busy!"

"Go bug Sinister!"

"Go away!"

"Leave me alone!"

That was the majority of Masky's dialogue towards Toby. Simply put, Toby had been chipper and outgoing the past two weeks, and that was doubled with his feelings towards Masky. He'd do harmless but annoying as hell things, such as randomly poking Masky for long periods of time. Other times he'd just repeat his name just to get his attention. Occasionally he'd pull occasion pranks and tricks on him.

Hoody and Slender were stitching up a gash right above his left ear. This time he had jumped out at Masky, and in a moment of panic he pushed Toby. He hit his head on the corner of a table on the way to the floor.

"When are you gonna learn to stop?" Hoody asked. Toby just shrugged.

"I dunno. It's pretty fun annoying him though," he admitted. Slender faceless palmed.

"Toby please smarten up before you get yourself killed," the humanoid mumbled.

"Pfft, Masky won't kill me."

"What he means is be more responsible. Just because you can't feel pain doesn't mean it'll be harder to kill you. This applies outside the house as well. If you get reckless with your advantage you'll either get caught or killed," Hoody told him. Toby rolled his eyes.

"I came here to get stitches, not a lecture," he said in a bored tone.

"The stitches are the reason you even had this lecture!" Slender yelled as he stitched the final stitch. Toby left once he was finished and went to go watch some TV. Nothing was on, shit. He decided to go raid the cupboards for something to eat, like some cookies or a bag of chips.

"Yo Tobsters," Charlotte called from the doorway of the kitchen. He looked and she tossed a bag of MnMs, him catching them. Damn were they good. Masky passed the door and accidentally made eye contact with him. He was like a deer in the headlights.

"Hey, want some?" Toby offered.

"Nah, I'm not hungry, but thanks," he replied. He was about to walk away but the twitchy boy stopped him.

"Oh, and sorry about scarin' ya," he quickly said. Masky stared at him.

"Sorry about pushing you and making you have to go get stitches," he apologized, walking off to go do something. Toby was confused though, so he went to consult Charlotte.

"Something's not right with Masky," he said to her as she carried a box of something.

"Okay. What's up with Tim?" she asked.

"So I offered him some candy and he declined."


"He politely declined, and when apologized for pushing me, he sounded kind of genuine." Charlotte sighed.

"He's not a complete ass so if he declines politely, whatever. And he's still a person, so if he sounds genuine-"

"This is the guy who nicknamed you by the size of your you-know-whats, and flipped me on my back for grabbing his mask. Like Gregory House, he doesn't do nice," Toby interrupted.

"Well the difference, Toby, is that House is a fictional doctor with an almost unending pain in his leg, meanwhile Tim is just a killer hidden behind a mask. Actually that makes Tim sound much worse. You get the idea. Point is you're taking a bit of politeness too seriously," his friend argued before leaving. Toby decided that he was thinking on it too much and went to go see Slender.

"Hey Slendy! Whatcha doing?" the boy asked, practically bouncing up and down. Slender looked down on him.

"I'm arranging a contest for you proxies," he answered.

"What's the contest and why a contest?" Toby prodded.

"Well occasionally I take two proxies on a trip, anywhere really. I used to just take Tim and Brian, but since you and Charlotte came into the picture I've decided I'll have a contest that'll decide which two proxies will come with me. The two most impressive proxies win." Toby was excited for this. He could possibly win a chance to go on a trip with his best friend! Or maybe his crush?

"Earth to Toby?" Slender waved a hand in front of Toby's face.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm still here. I gotta go now, bye!" With that Toby ran off.

And he had a mother fucking mission.

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