Chapter 16: Let Me Die Alone

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Toby sat in his room as he clutched one of Tim's spare masks to his chest. His grey eyes had tears streaming from them, like tiny depressed waterfalls. A knock at his door interrupted his teary moment, and he quickly wiped at his eyes.

"C-Come in," he stuttered. Charlotte came in.

"Slender told me what happened," she said, shutting the door behind her. Toby stared at her in disbelief.

"He told you and not me?!"

"Yes, and he told me not to tell you or I'd be punished severely. But, you being Tim's boyfriend, I think you should've been told," Charlotte told him. She paused, not knowing if she should tell him.

"I-I wanna know," Toby said. Charlotte climbed up to Toby's bunk and sat next to him. She took a breath, processing how to break it to him.

"So, Slender, Tim, and Brian have been stalking and mentally torturing this man named Jay. Remember that Marble Hornets I was watching? The main character is Jay. Anyways, Jay had run off and had run into a crowd, Tim following. He saw a man separate from the crowd, and he thought it was Jay. It... Wasn't Jay. He ran into the forest when he saw Tim following him, so he pulled out a gun and shot him four times, twice in the chest, once in the shoulder, and once in the stomach. He fell to his knees and was bleeding a lot, so Slender killed the guy and Tim teleported away. The way Slender put it as the reason he didn't go after him was that apparently it's dangerous to teleport away when you're critically injured. But to me I think it's that he didn't think Tim would make it."

Toby laid his head into the pillow as he began sobbing. His hands were a bit wet, so he quickly pulled his sleeve over his hands to hide them. Charlotte pulled the sleeve up and gasped at the teeth marks and blood soaked palms.

"How the hell did I not see this? What the fuck?!" Charlotte questioned. Toby sat up.

"Okay, fine! I'll tell you! So I started getting depressed like when my sister died, so I started chewing my hands again. Get the fuck over it," Toby snapped. Charlotte's eyes began to tear up.

"No, I will NOT get the fuck over it. Toby, you promised you weren't gonna start self harming again! To me, to my sister, probably Tim, to your mom-"

"WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT HER!!!" Charlotte's eyes grew angry.

"Toby please! Tim wouldn't want this! He might still be out there!" she told him.

"He might be dead," Toby said. Charlotte seemed somewhat hurt, the fact Toby dropped that so casually didn't seem right.

"He was your boyfriend!"

"And I don't wanna live without him! But he's gone! So just go away!"

"Toby-" Charlotte was cut off by a back hand slap across her cheek. Some of the blood on Toby's hand had smeared onto her cheek in the process, which was already red and had a pulsating sensation. The room fell silent, both of them trying to process what had just happened. Toby jumped down from his bunk and gathered a few things before throwing them in a cardboard box.

"I'm leaving. I want to be left alone," was all he said before he left the house.

* * * * *

"I'm stand-ing on my own. Remembering the one I left at home. Forget about the life I used to know. Forget about the one I left at home. So now I'm stand-ing here alone. I'm learning how to live life on my own. Forget about the past I'll never know. Forget about the one I left at home," Toby sang as he trekked through the forest. The box was becoming a bit heavy, but he paid little attention to that. He just walked through the forest. All by himself. He spotted a small, abandoned cabin that was still in decent shape. Aside from the vines growing all over it, it looked liveable.

"Now, all I have to do is die alone..."

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