Chapter 19: Comatose

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"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?!" It took literally all of Hoody's strength to keep Charlotte from turning Slender into a calamari buffet. She tried to swing her katana at him, to no avail. Slender merely gave off a calm aura.

"He was acting unreasonable and he tried to self harm. I had to stop him," Slender explained. Hoody couldn't help but mentally disagree as he looked to the hospital bed behind him.

"HE WAS FUCKING SEIZING AND BLEEDING FROM HIS FACE BECAUSE HE'S DEPRESSED?!?! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" Charlotte screamed, some of Toby's blood still stained on her hands.

"Look, it was the only way I could get him to stop," Slender countered, sternness in his voice. Hoody finally found his voice in all this.

"Sir, I know I'm usually on your side, but Charlotte's right. You use that to torture and sometimes even kill your victims! Toby was near death when we came back!" Hoody was right, not that Slender had the confidence to admit it.

The amount of blood Toby had lost was more than enough to fill a bucket, and the seizures weren't helping either. Charlotte and Brian had to perform an emergency surgery on him. He had severe internal bleeding, one of his lungs was filling with blood and the fluid that fills your lungs when you have pneumonia, and one of his kidneys had actually burst. If that wasn't enough, all of what Slender had done to him instantly plunged him into a coma.

"Is this all because you didn't go to save Tim? Huh? Is that it?! Was it because Toby called you out on it?! He's right, isn't he?! That's why he's in critical condition, comatose, and might never wake up again or even live through it, right?! BECAUSE YOU CAN'T ADMIT WE'RE RIGHT!!" Slender wrapped his hand around Charlotte's throat.

"Don't talk back to me. Do you want to see the same things he did and experience what he experienced?!"

"Go ahead, I'll die being right about all of this! Go ahead! Kill me!"


Slender let go of Charlotte and they both stared at Brian, of which he was fuming.

"Toby is fucking comatose and Tim is in a ditch being eaten by vultures somewhere, and all you guys are doing is making it worse! Now both of shut the FUCK up and worry about if Toby will survive or not!" he yelled. Charlotte began to cry as Slender left. Brian hugged the crying girl, then took her to sit at the side of the hospital bed.

Toby's skin was paler than his usual greyish colour, it had gone almost white with a blue hue. They had wrapped bandages around certain parts of his face, covering his eyes and ears completely in case he started to bleed again. There were tubes in his arms and nose, and the monotone beeps of his life support were the only sounds in the room. Charlotte brushed a little bit of his hair away from his face, and glanced down at his shirt. The top of the large scar that went from his collarbone to just above his belly button from the surgery was showing. Brian rubbed circles on her back, trying to make her feel better.

"I-I... I d-don't know what to do for him!" Charlotte cried out. Brian held Charlotte close, letting her sob
into his shoulder. He looked over at the barely living Toby and also felt tears in his eyes. He looked at his hands, at the scars. Then he looked at his overall appearance. Though he didn't want him to die, Brian had doubts about Toby living. He was still slightly malnourished from running away and nearly starving to death, he had gone through so many life threatening situations, and now he was barely hanging on because Slender nearly shut down his entire system.

"You have to be strong Charlotte. He'd want you to," he whispered, making Charlotte cry more.

How can I be strong if Toby's the only thing that keeps me from giving up? She wanted to scream it, but couldn't. She only took one of his cold scarred hands into her gentle warm ones and just prayed he'd pull through.

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