Chapter 10: Bullet

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Masky didn't talk to Toby the next morning. Didn't ask about the weird marks over the scars on his hands. Didn't ask about the bandaid on his finger. Didn't apologize about throwing the remote or screaming at him. Toby didn't apologize to Masky for smashing the cake on the ground. Didn't say he wanted an apology. Didn't say why he reacted. Didn't make eye contact. They just picked at their food in silence. Toby's eyes were slightly red and puffy. Masky looked like shit from sleeping on the couch.

Toby barely ate his eggs, leaving them to get cold. Only ate his bacon, he didn't have an appetite with the tension. And the toast wasn't even glanced at. Masky was about to say that he should finish his breakfast, but he wasn't in the mood. Toby got up and went to the living room, watching whatever seemed interesting. Reruns of the older Criminal Minds episodes really. Masky joined him, but immediately Toby pushed him off the couch.

"Fuck you."

"I accept your apology Ass-Mask," Toby replied. Masky glared at Toby before he left the room. He pulled two books off the bookshelf on the way, one small paper back, the other a hardcover. He threw the paperback at Toby. It hit his head and he picked it up.

"Hey Masky," he called out. Masky turned his entire body in Toby's direction. Immediately Toby threw the book, hitting Masky in the downstairs area. He fell to his knees, covering it as he grunted in pain.

"Fuck you Ass-Mask."

* * * * *


"It's almost midnight."

"Get back here now."

"Toby I swear to god."


Toby continued to ignore Masky, wearing his bloodstained killing clothes as he walked through the forest. He was going to go killing, whether Slender or Masky agreed to it or not. Simply put, he didn't give a fuck. He spotted a woman walking past the forest, and Masky saw that he saw her. He snuck away and ran to the woman without Toby noticing. He decided to kill her himself, since Toby sure as hell wouldn't listen. He withdrew his knife. Toby saw him up ahead.

Immediately the woman withdrew her gun once she saw Masky. He was wearing his bloodstained jacket, and his knife looked uninviting. Toby froze.

"Miss, either put the gun down or I'll make it painful," Masky said. She put her finger on the trigger. Toby realized she wasn't gonna let him go off easy, so he began approaching them quietly.

"Miss, put the damn gun down." Toby ran and pushed Masky aside as the woman fired two bullets. They hit Toby in the stomach and chest. He charged her and grabbed her gun, put the gun between her eyes, and pulled the trigger.

"Toby you dumbass!" Masky yelled angrily, although behind it there was a worried tone. Toby looked at him.

"I can't feel pain! I feel fine..." Toby fell back and hit the ground.

"Shit. Fuck. Toby!" Masky rushed over to him.

"I-I'm fine-"

"Shut the fuck up! You are not fine! You're reckless with your fucking lack of pain!" Masky screamed at him. He hoisted Toby up and slung an arm over him. Suddenly, Toby's entire body went limp. Oh fuck! He passed out! Masky decided that he was going to use the teleportation Slender gave him to get him back to the house.

* * * * *

Toby's eyes opened and saw Masky, blood on his mask and hands. He looked down and saw that he had stitches on his chest and stomach. He was in Charlotte's bunk, she won't be pleased about that.

"The bullet in your chest missed your heart and lungs. The one in your stomach was simple to grab. Have I ever told you that I fucking hate you?" Toby didn't like that being the first thing he heard after surviving bullet wounds.

"Stay in bed. At least for three days," Masky told him, but before leaving he had to ask him the question.

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you push me?" he asked. Toby sighed.

"I don't hate you. Plus you're the best out of us proxies, I didn't think Slendy would mourn as long if it was a shitty one like me instead of you." Masky didn't say anything, but you could tell he was shocked to hear that. Without words he left.

I don't hate you. I love you.

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