Chapter 25: Everything He Wants

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Tim and Toby walked out of the airport, their honeymoon in Germany over. Toby was looking at a snow globe that had the city gate/museum called Holstenter. Tim double checked to make sure he still had his camera before calling up a taxi. The taxi dropped them off at a nearby park and drove off. Toby and Tim walked the rest of the way home, hand in hand. They'd only been there for a week, mainly because Toby didn't know a lot of German and he sometimes got homesick. Tim smiled at Toby as they made it to the house, where they found Charlotte and Sally watching Steven Universe.

"Big Brother Toby and Masky are back!" Sally said as she ran up and hugged the two males.

"Hey Halloween, how's it going?" Toby asked. Sally pouted.

"Things were boring without you guys. Plus Hoody doesn't make very pancakes. I missed you!" the little girl answered. Toby smiled as Sally pulled him into the house to play. Tim sat on the couch and sighed, glad to be back home.

"How was Germany?" Charlotte asked.

"It was really awesome. The hotel was really nice and we walked around Berlin. We saw the Brandenburg Gate, and I have a few pictures of me and Toby standing in front of it. Not to mention we tried homemade Black Forest Cake. Holy shit was it amazing. We went on a walk through the Grunewald forest and checked out an art gallery. We also just relaxed at the hotel too. I've got a lot of pictures on my camera, it was pretty fun."

The two proxies looked over to the window and saw Toby giving Sally a piggy back. They mentally awed at the sight. Charlotte then turned towards Tim.

"Got any other big plans now that you're married?" she asked. Tim shrugged.

"We'd been planning the honeymoon for weeks and we just got back. We haven't really talked too much about what next. At the moment we're just gonna see where this takes us. If something big comes up, we'll talk about it," he answered. Charlotte turned her attention back to the cartoon, not having anything else to say. Tim joined Toby and Sally outside, telling the small girl about the trip.

* * * * *

"Hey. Hey Toby, you asleep?"

"... No, not really."

"Me neither," Tim mumbled. It was currently 11:39 pm, and neither of them could get any sleep. They'd been married for two months now, and a cold January blizzard was mercilessly attacking the house.

"Why can't you sleep?" Toby asked.

"The winds a tad loud," Tim answered.

"I can't sleep because I'm thinking of things," Toby replied. Tim pulled Toby close, trying to keep him warm.

"What type of things?" he asked.

"Like, remember when I asked you about what most marriages lead to and you said not to worry about it? Well ever since Slender asked what we were gonna do next I've been thinking, what are we gonna do?"

Tim kissed the back of Toby's neck.

"I've been hanging out with Sally lately, and I came up with the conclusion. Next thing we do is babies!"

Tim immediately froze. He slowly sat up, processing what Toby said.

"Toby, we can't have babies. We're two guys, we can't get pregnant no matter how hard we were to try," Tim told his husband.

"I know, so I though that maybe Charlotte could be, like a surrogate or something. Have a baby for us," Toby explained. Tim yawned.

"That's something we should talk about a little more, but right now we should get to bed," he responded, lying down again. He wrapped his arms around Toby's smaller body and let his eyes slide close.

* * * * *

Tim and Toby stood outside Charlotte and Tim's room at least a month after that late night discussion. They could hear her singing along with Brendon Urie.

"Are you sure about this Toby?" Tim asked. Toby nodded and Tim knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Charlotte chimed. In entered the two proxies.

"Hey Char-"

"Wait..." Charlotte held out a finger to signal them to stop. She was silent for a moment.

"I'd chime in with a haven't you people ever heard of, closing the goddamn door?" she sang. Toby closed the door. Tim rolled his eyes.

"Why so serious?" Charlotte asked as she turned down the music.

"Well... We've been talking and..." Tim looked to Toby to finish the sentence.

"We want you to help us make babies," Toby finished. Charlotte was silent for a moment, then smiled.

"Of course I'll help you guys. Not right now though, I'm in my zone. We'll talk about it more later today," she answered.

"When?" Tim asked.

"... When it's Nine in The Afternoon."

"Dammit Tiny Tits," Tim mumbled before leaving the room with Toby, shutting the door behind him. Toby hugged Tim tightly.

"I love you. You know that right?" he said. Tim smiled.

"Of course I know, I love you too," he replied, kissing Toby on the cheek.

"After all, you're everything I want."

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