Love fragmentation...

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Dedicated to...,
Real Love is like flower and bee. ..

Don't you see how vain
Life go darkening
Inside upset pain
When, heart, soul, down swing ?

Love stain clinch on cross
Bloody anxiety
Frustation on Loss
Deaf, blind, turn easy...

Silence is a hell
Into which as snake
Starts histling from shell
The ego to fake...

And Love into hate
Turns insanely
Jealous that may late
Looms apology...

There in the doorway
The One is standing
As does anyway
Forged love is ring...

Virtuous circle
Eternal oath
Couple is not single
But fertile blowth...

She and he as One
Nevertheless free
Nor died nor outdone
Love is fullness sea...

Ténébrio, le 24 mars à 14 heures 07...

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