Love fragmentation...

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Unbreakable Love
Dedicated to...

Be my Lady, I, your knight,
All life long, in fullness sea,
So far away, hidden flee,
Shipwrecked and out of sight...

Criss-crossed hearts and souls wire,
We are both harping on past,
Lighthouse off as disgraced,
Lost, dead cold, without Love fire...

Vain make-believe, faking game,
Abated, stumbling, deflated sails,
Conning selves to not quail,
Love has flowed up aflame...

Fire essential back head-on,
Feeling self as without mast,
Out of our mutual blast,
Blessed Happiness has gone...

Sensual storm, sweet tender,
Burning fluidity on touch,
Only such fullness harmony vouch,
Love is matchless engender...

Noone else is so addictive,
Surfing free from riverside,
Beyond the sterile self-stride,
Let's flee egos which misgive...

Keep Faith, our Love is alive,
Such gift is for giving birth,
For being Temple of mirth,
As Life's outcome predictive...

In, no way at all, a sin,
Even if, minion of self ego,
Worst deaf-blind slave you can crow,
Happiness is in self ruin...

It is road to perdition,
Such hide-and-seek blackout game,
Vile obedience so tame,
Plotting for Love extinction...

Arid inside as outside,
All in yourself keep not sound,
Current life is proving ground,
Just an infect mold too dried...

Fallacious commitment idol,
Starving love into slime hate,
Is your jailing Ego's rate,
Inciting you to death drawl...

Disdain, distrust, fear insane,
You are all not more yourself,
Beloved left on the shelf,
Lured life as so to feign...

A dismaying sadistic lie,
Seditiously bleeding you,
From blessed words I love You,
Into, i fear, hereby...

That such cursed heartbreak day,
May happen and once again,
Feeling puzzled endless pain,
Full dead-end alive on grey...

Nevertheless to deny,
Our Love is self amotion,
Just promised damnation,
Ego has made you self-lie...

Its voice is all feeding you,
Waves of depressed storm,
Submerging stress which deform,
Love off, fear side is on through...

Blackout pact as safety deal,
Lifebuoy but pervert trap,
Which vital safety cap,
Is avoiding me to heal...

Shaken, thrown away, slammed,
Each of us is now single,
And no way to commingle,
Misfortune is fulfilled...

Black venom in the bedrock,
Bitter salt Love dead sea,
Earth's lowest, blood-sucking flea,
Off-shore, deriving heart-block...

Any more elevation,
Inability to light,
Deaf-blind casting self on blight,
False-friend, false-view, false in motion...

All is dark, the sun has gone,
Around whistling wind of fear,
Whispering you for its cheer,
Lead your Love One in end run...

Vehemently resounding,
Spuriously as right savior,
Setting itself up as for,
Unsafe your heart turned swing...

Ego, sly claws in your heart,
Is to unnatural hate,
Pushing you, for, in worst faith,
Hurling me, off, as weak part...

You, I, we, blessed safe one,
From, now on, faked in two,
Emptied and undo,
You tied to your fishy clone...

Me, so far away, from you...
Struggling to avoid drowning,
Keep blessing our worshipping,
Yet, out of our field of view...

Held up to awful slander,
To the worst opprobrium,
And Real Love into numb,
So fasely hazy blur...

Do renounce its pervert faith,
Do not keep being longer,
Its abused believer,
For right thing never too late...

In dephts of soul and heart,
Is our powerful grace,
Noone in this world can deface,
What is God's gift, will, and, art...

Fly out its fallacious den,
spread your so beautiful wings,
Dodge its fear's vitiating stings,
Leave its pervert gravity...

Be a free bird in our sky,
So pure left unscathed,
Time, distance, all defeated,
Vain ego's inanity...

You, I, We, being back One,
Free fulfilling completion,
Love onliest recognition,
Is dreamful way to homerun...

Forever under fever,
We will be without sheep tick,
No more sterile egotic,
Sly anxiogenic liar...

Let's meet up, for, fruitfully,
Sharing interdependence,
Nowhere a sweetest essence,
Matchless is Love when free...

Love addiction will soon,
Take my hand my bird Lady,
Let's us courting, endlessy,
As do the sun and the moon...

At least, fertile bee-flower,
Me, in you, unbreathlessly,
Fulfilling you, lovely,
Into conceiving mother...

Free, from sly stumbling fable,
No more self un-saint martyr,
Bright phoenix, out of the mire,
Our love is unbreakable...

Tenebrio, May 5, 2015, at 11:55 PM...

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