Love fragmentation...

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Dedicated to..., Self NIED (Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress)

You, I, We, my Love,
The One per life,
God's gift comes to shove,
Misfortune go rife...

Burdened with pain,
Vain trial of strength,
Our egos insane,
Hurted in arm's length...

Slowly pushed us,
In the marred past,
That fear and distrust,
Made our hearts downcast...

Single in Loneliness,
Each of us damned,
Blessed Faith hopeless,
Lost Promised Land...

Soulmates worshipping,
No more God's gift,
But the calf bling-bling,
Real Love go rift...

Ego, new idole,
Self to self, closed,
Love, slate of deed poll,
Our hymn scattered...

Law's Tables broken,
Pompous pageantry,
Let's over again,
Pray, that, ends, black eye...

Time, distance, all, vain
Shall, just, make, our Love,
As Proust's Madeleine,
Blessing the white dove...

Tied flower and bee,
Is our fairy tale,
One, alive, and, free,
Self for Love is vail...

Love, beautiful Faith,
Makes gliding life,
When the ego's wraith,
Heartless self digs strife...

As, Phoenix, is, Love,
Still, reborns, and, fly,
Beyond and above...

Ténébrio le 27 mars 2015 à 15 heures 05...

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