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Natural peep-show...

I am not, who, you foresee,
If, on, you give a snap sight,
You, will, a two-between, see,
In-and-out, blurred as day-night...

If, you out-cross me, downtown,
You will feel, nothing special,
But, somehow, a strange chill, sown,
As, facing, wild animal...

So, inside, body and mind,
Definitely, unsettled,
You will, breathe out, as, off, blind,
Your being's depths, since then, tamed...

Indeed, all your senses, freed,
Suddenly, as embers, fanned,
Will, back to primitive greed,
Turn, you, into your beast, banned...

Thus, pared-down, and, just, feline,
You will, realize, that, We,
As, at once, far from benign,
Are, at last, feral agree...

Time, itself, rooted to the spot,
Suspended to, our face-to-face,
Which, unpredictable plot,
Is, whole, now, sensual chase...

Both, in a silenced lurk,
Prowling, about each other,
As, predators, do to shirk,
When, instinct, warns of danger...

All, around, has been wiped out,
And, for concealed arena,
No more, than, such desire bout,
In which, lust, is hot magma...

But, Time, for more, reluctant,
All, fed up, with Hand of Fate,
Finally, in an instant,
Decides, that's, enough, to wait...

That's why, unfortunately,
Rating, Fate, as foul ferret,
Time, out, without decency,
Has, unsatisfied, us, let...

Epilogue of such romance,
Is, that, Time and Fate are foes,
As well as, Love, in a glance,
Often, falls, under their blows...

Thus, collateral victim,
Love, for saving, self, in subtle,
Plays dead, as opportune scrim,
Sure to, soon, end its puzzle...

(C) Tenebrio August 24, 2015 at 21 : 25...

Inner seasons...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant