Love fragmentation...

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Thaddeus, the Godfather...
Dedicated to...

As your father sentence in my recurring dream,
I am now an unsuch real man side his Lady,
All like i want another man in joyful beam,
Do light my daughter with love fertility...

You may laugh, think whatever, and, self-denying,
And, keep pretending, fakingly, that all is fine,
Anyway, you love me as your God's gift blessing,
So, far from me, is, just, pickling yourself in brine...

May you feel your own fertility, go downhill,
Undercover of your current burning-out life ?
You keep, burning-in, in your black unfullness mill,
All, jailed, in your inner smoke and mirrors strife...

Your father, from heaven, is whispering me : son,
I am attending her self-ondigging grim-faced,
Do not let, your, Real God's gift Love, go on,
Keep fighting for what you have been graced...

She is my beloved daughter, but, so fragile,
Beyond time and distance, she, still, loves you,
All in, within earshot, and, her heart is worthwhile,
So, do not give up, as, to flourish, she needs you...

The tale of woe to be childless unborn mother,
Is her deaf-blind, so scary, untold tragedy,
And, that's why, my surrogate son, and, gender,
Our Lord, from your both lost souls, has made, unity...

Soulmates, your two hearts are entwined, as one,
Indeed, wherever you go, whatever you do,
And, however you run your lives, it's not done,
As sure as, she knows, past you, none life through...

I am supporting you, endlessly, and, keep Faith,
That, my sweet one, out, from such infertility,
Will, soon, be, and, not more, an unself-conscious wraith,
Such hushed silence is an angel passingly...

I am the One, agreed, as your gardian angel,
And, i have, always, kept being, her, genuine one,
Father's love is duty and holy miracle,
But, yours, also, will heal her from complexion dun...

You are, once for all, the seed of her birth garden,
I inspired her heart, hereby, warning her,
By, losing you, happiness will be dead and vain,
As sure as, promised motherhood, will be blur...

Tenebrio, May 28, 2015 at 4 : 25 P.M...

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