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Stars and Stripes, the Lyric American Beauty...

Common run of mankind think being somebody,
When they are, just, in the orchestra pit, whistling,
Each one, expecting, to seduce my Muse-fairy,
Sure to play, a low-down trick, with you, in sly swing...

At times, I have heard, their soloist's partitions,
Siruping voices, while, aping you soap romance,
O my heart and soul meekness, flee their delusions,
Cheap mimical ones to woo you, at our expense...

Thus, your shadow is the focus of attention,
When, my abstract expressionist being, apart,
Has kept scaring you, for my bold dimension,
In which, you have felt, against your will, the Love Art...

Then, free from vapid symphonies, you have heard me,
And, steply, overcoming your little life guise,
Through the quirky backstage of your eyes, still racy,
Your opened wings, have emerged, as bright red sunrise...

No sooner done, than, we have communed our lust load,
Both, caught, in a so dulcet, untold honeymoon,
That, we have become, fancy-free sensual ode :
Our starred Love is natural born duet in tune...

(C) Tenebrio September 10, 2015 at 21 : 55...

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