Des Treize...

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Sterile inanity...

You can regret having dumped the man of your life,
Time has gone yet and happiness no more around,
You remember, at last, when you was his made wife,
Whereas, he, just your loveless but fruitful playground...

Neither one nor the other are nowadays free,
As you have never stepped back from your insane lies,
All focused on gibing at his endless love plea,
And now that he's gone, unfulfilled, you realize...

No matter what, you have been love milk-fed with him,
Though you have never at the time recognized it,
Since then, you are suffering from a phantom limb...

Thus, you, so gloating over his coming obit,
Are, now, justly, collapsing in your greed of doom,
All at once, facing your engraying childless gloom...

Tenebrio, August 09, 2016 at 09: 11 P.M. ...

Inner seasons...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant