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The Natural Born Muskhogean and the lunar Calf Lady...

Deepfully worn out in motionless,
Night as I, suspended to one soul,
Surrogate lovers in lewd finesse,
Each of us as a magnetic pole...

Until the Seminole Great Spirit,
Rising from the beginning of time,
Suddenly, for initiation rite,
Has made a timeless mise in abyme...

I am Red Indian beyond earth's edge,
Though sky has turned into indigo,
Neither writer's cramp nor zealous pledge :
Heart and Soul free from earthmen's Ego...

On my way from this barren land's end,
Under night-moving skirts of the Moon,
Between Heaven and Earth, my Godsend :
Her horny stellar box to harpoon...

There, in her charming boudoir of love,
My pen keeps inking between her legs,
While moaning me to drain her hot stuff,
And sweet sensual gush to the dregs...

- « Do not forget my blazing poet,
Even if lost in our wild embrace,
Nevertheless, it's almost moonset,
And, yet, end of the All-Father's grace... »

Once again, i am lured back to ground,
The magic wand has stopped hiding Sun :
Thus, light-irradiated, i am downed,
Whereas red dawn is still on the run...

Then, cockcrew turned into burning pot...
- « Restless Seminoles, fledged ancestors,
All my bones are in call to boycott :
Can you hear their Mikasuki soars ? »

Only draped by the Great Creator,
I will upward anew to the sky,
And reopen eyes on Real Amor,
But, if not, i will spread our ink by...

Thenceforth, I will be onto earthbound,
The Mystic Holy White Buffalo :
Moonlight man-beast who will feed the ground,
Seeding there, words, as a Shaman's flow...

Tenebrio (C), August 05, 2016, at 13H41 A.M. ...

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