Love fragmentation...

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Infertile Love is road to hell...
Dedicated to...

Vain loneness infertile,
Love unbreakable and unfree,
Lost, fruitless inanity,
Slanderous junk pile...

Ego is not a good screw,
Both defaced, nameless,
Both far away so helpless,
Sullying fear blackout through...

All cursing our misfortune,
Sterily, harping on past,
Unfulfilling dreadful blast,
Crashed, in pieces, all, strewn...

Keep sharing old vivid wound,
Unrepentant when God's breath,
Has, for avoiding crib death,
Yet, shown us, our fecund ground...

We are, blessed, sutured,
By the most divine flame,
So why such askew defame,
So stiffly unthoroughbred ?

Unblessed time and distance,
Such disgraceful infamy,
On you God's unlienency,
Barrenness is your instance...

Only Love is childing cell,
Ask our Lord who has wept for,
At the sight of such desert,
And, from tears, made a well...

Be abundant, full of joy,
Keep strengthening our belief,
Be ripe, out Ego's grief,
And its so pervert decoy...

Childful mother you can be,
Lay down your dry impotence,
If, once for all, hie thee hence,
That set your motherhood free...

Is it not fulfilling dream,
Love illuminating Life,
You, blooming childing rife,
In our endless happiness stream ?

Intimate surrounding,
Matchless addicting desire,
You feel still one and afire,
Woman's faith sacred calling...

So upset without our touch,
Wet reminiscing echoes,
Ablazing vain embargoes,
Real Love is nonesuch...

Unferverish harmony,
Deaf-blind heretic blackout,
Insufferable all-out,
Silencing us dead-endly...

Unnaturally unself,
Our brave hearts lost in darkness,
Costly times of distress,
Love inselfilitis stealth...

Vast void of imbalance,
Only recklessly sharing,
In immoderate spring,
Will be our deliverance...

Do not let longer dry-out,
What is fertile seed grain,
Unlife abortion insane,
Is your self bleak drought throughout...

Unfaithful renunciation,
Ineffably unfilled,
Love has never entailed,
self-denial for completion...

Vain your fear to be happy,
Such necrosis is self-harm,
Wickedly void death knell charm,
Dashing past fertility...

Ego, lure of the abyss,
Bald-faced liar with you,
Ingratiating itself through,
Our love unset on remiss...

Yet, in silenced flare-up,
Is whispering you my name,
On a rimless lusty claim,
For, at least, waking you up...

But your black Oslo Syndrome,
Has made, under ego siege,
You, such nihilistic liege,
Locked in its doomful home...

Unfruitful hide-and-seek life,
Blackthorne unblooming flower,
Deaf-blind aborting vower,
You are self tearing alive...

Is not matchless Real Love,
Being, as so, scattered,
Peculiarly disabled,
But not being abreast of...

Nothingness of imbalance,
Out exhilarating flame,
Heart, soul, in cold freeze frame,
Your current gothic romance...

You are arid and wingless,
All ego-sucking as limp,
Pale ghost, sloppy love wimp,
Aghast at being heatless...

Stark rough-hewn fallen angel,
From fruitfulness, so afar,
Following the devious star,
You are led astray to hell...

Tenebrio, May 5, 2015, at 07:55 PM...

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