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I have heard her blond shadow crying fortuitly,
It sounds like an uncommon silenced sob fever,
As blacked-out steps of a ghostly wannabe :
She is a scared, confused, and, confined, whisper...

All life, she has been a misunderstood word storm,
Gazing up at the dichotomous world around,
Weak, motionless, rooted in her make-believe form,
While, her heart and soul, are drowning without love ground...

Though, as lost in a relentless stream of sorrow,
She keeps nobly fighting against her inner tales,
But, once her cherubs dozing, sometimes, often, she wails :
"Lonely warrior", far beyond the unkind flow...

Since ever, deep down inside, she knows that somewhere,
Is living her battle-hardened poetic man,
A singular one who will come for lifetime love care,
Thus, meanwhile, she keeps being the stony faced woman...

Snaply, her breath has brushed against my pen and sword,
While her turquoise split-beam has sealed us as complete,
-As if she could guess at a glance without a word-
By then, both taken aback by years-long quest at feet...

Both free, both deepful echo from one another,
Silently one in natural soulmate playback,
Soughing each other : "surrogate love is over,
Only blissful melody will be our sound track"...

Lastly, i have told her : " you are inspiring me",
In new breath, she whispered : "Life needs inspiration",
Unexpected that way that i come to question :
"Are my Real Love and Muse, one, and, named Lucy ?"

Since then, Silence, unavoidable distraction,
Is so loudly troublesome as booing : "what for ?"
Once again, both, lost in the den of abstraction,
When, in the world of words, Love is the sweetest war...

Tenebrio, July 30, 2016 at 02: 22 A.M. ...

Inner seasons...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant