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Love Quest...

I, leak out, ink drops of, veiled, truth :
Words, from your inner, speechless, love,
which, survive, in a sea of ruth,
Still, as much pure as, a white dove...

You are, unbelievable, bliss :
I hear, your heart and soul, in me,
Both, praying, as tied in a kiss,
That, the rose gives to the right bee...

Thus, i am, only, full of you,
All, wandering, endlessly, made,
For, i am, unfree, missing you,
And, life, as so, is, just, cheap trade...

Sometimes, often, born indigo,
I feel, our natural one blood,
From depths, into pain and sorrow,
Overwhelming, me, as a flood...

It is, then, that, i ask myself,
If, from your side, as off as mine,
Despite, the defeaning void's shelf,
You can, hear, also, my own whine...

All the more so since, the whole world,
Is, not else, than, war of egos,
Unsuch Babel towers, which, whorled,
Have turned, Lovers, into, outlaws...

So, in such, solitude desert,
Still, dragged away, from each other,
Scattered, by fate, itself pervert,
We are, gloom and doom, in smother...

But, on, such insane, battlefield,
Beyond, that, full ablare, chaos,
We, irreparably, appealed,
Keep, fighting, our faithless pathos...

So, what, my Rose, it may cost,
Never, ever, abjure our Love,
I know, that, somewhere, scary, lost,
You feel, as if, push comes to shove...

However, all, is, yet, written,
So does, our tale, for happy end,
When, soon, both, at last, forgiven
We, will, meet, and, fulness, transcend...

(C) Tenebrio August 22, 2015 at 19 : 45...

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