A day at the dumping ground...

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*You were an aspiring actress who dreamed to be known all over the world, especially America. But the closest you had ever been to America was an American themed diner your nan had taken you to for your 14th birthday. But one day you got a recal....*

4 weeks earlier you had auditioned for a part on The Dumping Ground, not expecting to even get a second audition. You had only really wanted to audition because you had watched the previous series and instantly fell in love with Danny Pearson, who plays the role of Rick Barber. You and Danny have had a few interactions on twitter, but nothing more than that. 

When you arrived at the studios, in South London, you were told that you had to act out a scene with one of the other cast members. You were praying that you got to act out a scene with Danny, but you had been chosen to perform a scene with Joe Maw, who plays Johnny, which you were fine with. You and Joe performed the scene and had got amazing compliments from all the crew who were watching you two perform! Most of the comment's went along the lines of  'You two work amazingly together' 'You two look incredible side by side.' 'You almost looked like a couple!' and to be honest you didn't really like the idea of you and Joe as a 'couple' but it looked like Joe did....

 During the audition, you felt Joe reach out for your hand a couple of times. That wasn't in the script so you just pulled away. He kept on moving closer to you, you felt really uncomfortable with the whole situation.

As soon as you were granted permission to leave the audition room you took the chance to go to the snack bar, you were one of those people that could eat anything and put the weight on. Unlike most of the girls you knew. Once you had finished stuffing your face with iced bun's you felt a strong large hand on your shoulder, you turned around and standing right there in front of you was.....you guessed it DANIEL PEARSON!!! "Hey could you pass me one of those please?" he politely asked pointing in the direction of the iced buns. Due to the fact that you were still in shock you just stood still, said nothing, done nothing.

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