The iced buns...

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*The next day*

You and Danny had arranged to meet at starbuck's at 12:30. Starbuck's was only a 10 minute walk away from your house, so it was easy for you to get there. You decided to leave your house at 12:15, just in case. As you expected you got there a couple of minutes early, but Danny arrived dead on 12:30! 

"Hey Danny"

"Hey (Y/N), you look amazing!"

"Awh thank you"  you blushed at Danny's comment.

"So you ready for a starbucks?" He winked.

You simply nodded and walked in.

"Oh look (Y/N), they sell iced buns"

You couldn't stop laughing, at how funny he sounded when he said that.

"You still owe me one from the other day." he said hinting at the fact that he obviously wanted you to buy one so obviously you did.

You and Danny were just sitting there having a general conversation when your phone started to vibrate you looked down and stared at the screen.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?"

"It's the casting director, he said he wants me to call him."

"Well do it then!" Danny insisted.


"Hello (Y/N), this is Louie here from the casting office. I am really sorry to have to tell you this over the phone, but the other girl Lateysha, who also auditioned for the part, has a little more experience than you have and we felt that she had a bit more confidence and gave the better performance. You have an amazing talent honestly but we just felt this part suited her more. I'm really sorry (Y/N)." 

"That's fine, I have to go but thank you for the opportunity." You hung up.

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