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It was the next day, you woke up and turned to face Danny. He wasnt there. You got up, went to the bathroom, brushed your teeth, put on a slight layer of makeup and done your hair. You went down stairs and looked into the living room all of Danny's friends were still there. Then you walked into the kitchen and found Danny making breakfast for the both of you. 

"Morning beautiful." Danny said, then kissed you on the lips.

"Morning, you're up early!" you replied.

"I thought i'd make you breakfast, oh and Louie called he said he needs us at the studios at 2."

"Awh thanks, how the hell will we make it in time!?" you said worriedly.

"We'll make it, trust me."

Once you and Danny had finished off your breakfast all of his friends managed to wake up. Surprisingly none of them had hangovers, must of been the coffee. Danny had explained to them that you two had to leave shortly but he allowed them to stay at the house until 4, before Nina & Adam were meant to be getting back. You both went upstairs got dressed and sorted a bag for the long train journey. 

Danny payed for yours and his taxi fares and bought you a hot chocolate each from the coffee stand at the station. You waited at the station for the next train to arrive, whilst you were waiting for the train to arrive Danny's friend walked over to you two. Her name was Ella. Ella was very pretty. Danny just said that she was an old friend but you didn't believe him there was a lot more chemistry there than what him and an old friend would have. They spoke together until the train arrived then you both got on and Ella walked off in a different direction.

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