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It had been a week, Danny had not stopped texting you. You had recommended to Danny that the two of you took a break. It was hard making that decision, but at that point in time you didn't know what else to suggest. Danny had soon got the idea and the text messages slowly died out.

 Tomorrow was your birthday and you had been receiving cards and presents from family members and friends all throughout the week, but not a word from Danny. You hadn't planned to do anything special for your 15th birthday, however your mum had mentioned that she had a big surprise. Wanting your birthday to come sooner, you went to bed early.

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY BITCHES!" you screamed as you woke the rest of the house up.

"Happy birthday darling" your mum and dad said as you were adjusting your eyes to the bright light that your mum had just opened up into the room. "Now get dressed, you've got a long day ahead of you!" 

You jumped into your dungarees, as it was the middle of summer, and done your hair and makeup. "Ready!" you shouted down the stairs to your mum. Your dad grabbed your bag and put it in the car. "Bye ladies, have fun!" he announced as he shut your mums car door. 

"So mum, where are we off to?"

"It's a surprise, now sit back and relax as we have a long drive ahead of us."

The next few hours flew by, due to the fact that you and your mum were singing along to 5 Seconds Of Summer's new album. "We're here!" your mum said happily. 

"Why are we here?"  

She said nothing.

*Your POV*

We were at Gatwick, why here? Mum used to take me and my brother here every year and not tell us where we were going. She thought it was an exciting thing to do! But not when its Scotland every single year. Don't get me wrong Scotland's lovely, but not when you go to the same country, same town, same hotel every year. Mum gestured for me to come over once she had finished with all the boring boarding stuff. 

Finally, the time had arrived for us to board the plane. We stepped on and found our seats, everyone looked really excited. Its only Scotland I thought to myself. There were also lots of young couples, maybe there's a convention? Or a couples night?

You had no idea what to expect...

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