An awkward train journey...

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"Hey baby!" You said to Danny as he walked back into his dressing room, where you were waiting for him.

"Hey gorgeous!" Danny said picking you up and spinning you around causing you to go all giggly.

"Danny, Danny put me down!" You said as you almost wet yourself from too much laughter. "Great show tonight Danny." You said after kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh. Really? Ahah, thanks."

Danny sounded a bit off, you asked him what was the matter.

"Nothing." He said, shying away.

"Danny, come on, tell me! I know somethings up." You said whilst stroking his leg trying to make him feel more comfortable.

"Well before the show started, Shannon came into my dressing room."

You didn't want to listen, you've never really gotten to know Shannon. Every time you've passed her in the studios, or when you've been out with Danny and all his friends shes just blanks you. So you've never really wanted to bother.

"I motioned for her to leave, as i needed to get ready for the show and I felt rather uncomfortable, but as she walked out of the door she kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't exactly do anything to stop her. It just kind of happened, and I'm sorry (Y/N)."

You didn't know whether to be annoyed at Danny or not, but he was honest, and that's all you've ever asked from him. That he'd be honest. "I appreciate your honesty. Its ok. Just as long as you don't speak to her, ok?"

"I promise (Y/N) i will never speak to her again if that's what you want. 

The ride home was quite awkward, the train was slow, the both of you were tired, no one was speaking and all you wanted to do was go home. But in order to do that you'd have to get two trains and you really couldn't be bothered to do that, so you just decided to go back to Danny's for the night and then make your way back in the morning. 'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!' Danny's phone vibrated on the table in front. He picked it up, and of course, it was Shannon.

You tried to act like it didn't annoy you, but it did. "What did she say then?"

"She was just wondering if i was going to the wrap party on Saturday night. I wont go if you don't want me too."

"No, you can go, I don't want to stop you seeing your friends. Just as long as I can be sure that nothing will happen between you two." Danny smiled.

"But I'd much prefer to spend Saturday night with you." He said winking whilst leaning in for a kiss.

You stopped the kiss half way through and said..."I'm not going to the wrap party, it will be too awkward, honestly you go! I'll be ok on my own."

"I know you will (Y/N) but id prefer to see you anyway. I want to take you on a date."

You love yours and Danny's dates, they always end in a good way, depending on where you go.

"I'm going to take you on the most romantic date you've ever been on."

You smiled with delight. "Aw, ok. I'm looking forward to it!"

Danny grabbed your hands. "I love you (Y/N)"

You could tell by Danny's eyes that he meant it. That's what made you tremble with happiness. "I love you too Daniel Marcus Pearson!" 

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