A click of a button...

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You removed the piece of screwed up paper from your back pocket and unfolded it, it was his number, you couldn't believe it! You read through the number, checking there was the right amount of numbers. There was. You took your phone out of your pocket and added him as a contact you didn't text or call him straight away , so you didn't seem desperate.

*Danny's POV*

I gave (Y/N) my number hoping that she didn't find me to pushy I had only met her 3 days ago and I had already given the poor girl my number! I sat there, on the train, and waited for what seemed like hours but had only been 15 minutes for her to text, she didn't. Was it a mistake for me to give her my number? Just as I said that I received a message...

*Your POV*

Should I text him? Or would it seem to desperate? I began typing, not even knowing what to write, so I just put a simple 'Hey, Danny?x' Debating whether to press the send button or not, i clicked send.

Danny: Hey (Y/N), you alright?x

You: Yeah I'm not bad thanks aha, you?x

Danny: Awh, I'm good, you were amazing today by the way!x

You: Haha thanks :') you were too!x

Danny: Awh aha, I'm on my way down to Brighton with Oli now actually, when you're free I was thinking we could catch up?x

You: Oh really! yeah sure text me when you want to meet, I literally have no social life so I'm free everyday ;) x

Danny: Haha ok then i'll text you soon x

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