Twitter feed...

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Once you had got back home, obviously you called your best friend, Lily, to tell her about the kiss. All she wanted was for him to introduce her to Richard Whisker, who was one of Danny's co-stars on Friday Download. Lily was obsessed with Richard, she had posters of him on her wall, bracelets with his name on them and also she had made a scrapbook of him that she had made, every time there's a picture of him in a magazine or the newspaper she would cut it out and stick it in the book. You thought it was quite sad but she was obsessed and it was quite cute the way she obsessed over him.

You had got a text from Lily telling you to check Danny's twitter so you did.

@Dannypearson96 had tweeted: Had such an amazing day thanks @(Y/T/N), hopefully see you again soon :D<3

You couldn't believe it, he had wrote about you and him on twitter and he put a heart! Danny never puts x's, let alone a heart! You decided to reply back.

'@Dannypearson96 Me too, text me soon so we can arrange to meet again! Oh, thanks for the candyfloss ;)<3'

You had instantly got hundreds of followers and your twitter mentions were piling in! Since Danny had retweeted your tweet it looked like some of Danny's fans had a gotten a bit jealous from you and Danny getting too 'close'.

You started to get some abusive messages from the fans, some saying that you're ugly and that Danny could do way better. You tried to ignore them, so you logged out of twitter and decided to have an early night.

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