The small French waiter...

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The plane ride took only 1hr and 15 minutes. You were sitting very impatiently waiting for the pilot to say where you had arrived at, just before your mum turned to you and smiled. "We hope you have enjoyed your ride with Easy Jet, we hope you have a nice holiday here in Paris, please wait until the seat belt signs have been switched off before you begin exiting the plane." 

'Wow Paris' you thought to yourself. Paris had been on your bucket list. It was your favourite city in the whole world. Its just a shame you couldn't experience it with Danny. 

Once you and your mum had checked into your B&B, it was already quite late so she told you to get dressed into something nice, so she could take you out for a 'birthday celebration meal!'. Even though you and Danny were on a break you thought you'd still wear the necklace, just so it felt like he was there with you too. (POLYVORE LINK ALSO IN COMMENTS) 

You arrived at a small restaurant that sold Italian food. A small French waiter guided you to a table by the window, with a perfect view of the Eiffel tower. You ordered a Margarita pizza, whilst your mum ordered a lasagna. After that you both sat and enjoyed a glass of wine together whilst just sitting and having a chat, your mum could tell that you were missing Danny, so she said she was going to go to the loo and then take you for some late night shopping. As you were waiting for her to return, you downed the rest of the wine and began to inspect the restaurant. It wasn't very busy and it needed a bit of work, that's what you had decided. You looked out the window to see how beautiful the Eiffel tower looked when suddenly you realized something...

"Danny?" you said to yourself. He was standing outside wearing a suit and holding a big bunch of red roses. You stood up from your chair and stared before realizing that you needed to rush out and see him. You pushed past the waiter and ran out the door! Jumping into his arms and began crying. 

"Danny, I've missed you so much, please don't ever leave me again!" 

"I've missed you too (Y/N) and i wouldn't dream of it." 

You then turned around and saw your mum walk out with a big grin on her face, "Now go out and have some real fun." She said to you both. That's exactly what the both of you did.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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